Yes, There is a Lucky Leprechaun in Your Life – YOU!
March 17th, 2021 // 11:40 am @ Scott Manning
Well…it just so happens to be one of my absolute favorite days of the year, maybe months of the year, March – St. Patrick’s Day. I just love this holiday. I know I have some Irish in me somewhere.
Truth is: I’ve never had green beer and I don’t even celebrate the holiday with a party or anything like that – it’s so much more about the ‘conceptual’ meaning for me and what it symbolizes or perhaps better said what I have decided it symbolizes for me.
Lucky isn’t a day, it’s a state of being. It’s a decision in life that things are going to go your way because you are going to do what’s necessary to make them happen.
Our ritual has always been to go out to a unique restaurant or splurge a little on something just for the point that the pot of gold at the end of our rainbow is always full, constantly replenishing and overflowing with abundance and by the way it’s not just what’s at the end of the rainbow but the journey to get to it that brings so much joy and fulfillment.
Whatever you do, do something, to remind yourself that you are lucky because you choose to be and that you are in control of your own prosperity and outcomes.
I just so happen to be hosting our back to back Wealth Groups last week and this week and how fitting is that, making this year extra special…Wealth all around me, as it always is. And the locations we chose happen to be incredible stories of great American Entrepreneurial Success with people who captured and capitalized on their own Luck and Opportunities (worth sharing another time).
St. Patrick’s Day – the idea of luck, finding luck, being lucky, all things of good fortune…and I just love that because I believe you put yourself in the way of luck, you choose and decide to make things happen and you get lucky because of it.
Yes, I believe the planets align and things to fall into place not by wishing or hoping or rubbing lucky charms together but by being deliberate, acting decisively, having a plan followed by execution with some positive thoughts to create momentum and energy.
In your business and in your life, as I say every single week in one way or another, you will get about what you expect, what you accept, what you believe to be your level of deserve, and above all else you will settle down to levels of success that are in direct proportion to the degree of responsibility you take over them.
Read that last sentence or paragraph again; there in lies the truest secret to luck – the degree of responsibility will determine the degree of potential luck you might have going in your favor…the one who works the hardest, plans the most, commits without condition, goes all in usually seems to wind up the luckiest.
For fun and to make a point today, I’ll give you seven quick leverages points within your business that will make you lucky and put the advantage in your favor.
1. Price, as premium and profitable as it can be – nothing leads to more control, more autonomy, more luck than the price in your business, it’s the accelerator of growth and jet fuel for the future.
We’ve talked about this recently and I literally just reaffirmed to my Wealth Group Doctors last week with a question I ask them…”What is the fastest way to increase your profit and give yourself a raise?” Of course…raise your fees
Presto – you just made your own luck and did nothing but change the number; something a Leprechaun would most certainly do!
2 and 3. Polarize your market and do the opposite of everyone else…
These are two that go hand in hand and I humbly say I am the master of both for myself and my clients. It’s very simple, if you are not obviously different than others in your market space then you are fighting for the same pieces of the pie and even same customers or same part of the customers mindset and buying inclination and you will suppress your ability to maximize number one.
The way you best polarize your market is by being “the opposite” solution for a specific niched or targeted group of people – often the underserved group is your ideal customer, patient, or client. There are so many ways to do this and it’s really quite magical.
More on that in the coming weeks.
The point is – be something specific – and set your own rules of the game. Leprechaun’s are thought to be tricky or get what they want or play games because they control the variables and stack the deck in their favor.
4. Build Relationships with Your Prospects
Something no one else will ever say. They might at very best build relationships with their customers after the fact but not before. Look, just try it, whatever will make a prospect a great customer do that, give them it, tell them, show them, help them experience all of these things BEFORE they make a buying decision so that they actually will.
This is a giant luck factor and it’s the concept of building a lead list to then convert and condition into your customers.
This is very tactical and I always tell my Doctors what are you doing when your patients aren’t in the chair, not in the practice – you can win big doing better “with them” in the process and experience but the real leverage and luck factors are building a more valuable business by building more valuable customers by building more valuable relationship and expanding your reach before during and after patients and customers give you money.
5. Next up, maximize the value of every person in your company’s time – this is self explanatory, each person needs to own their role and become the best in the organization at it and then give them as much time as possible doing just that.
This creates a multiplier effect and thus provides abundant and on demand amounts of luck. Most business owners are playing with addition instead of multiplication, thinking just growth by volume instead of profit by expansion and getting more out of the assets they’ve got and looking for leverage that breaks the bounds of time and limiting factors like capacity.
You’ll find a whole lot of luck in making sure you are maximizing your people.
6 and 7. We could talk all day about this. The luckier you want to get and the higher up on the prosperity, wealth building, income ladder you want to go the more control you must exert and the more discipline you must have to position yourself for wealth attraction and eliminate all distractions and negative energy from your life and business.
I’ve talked about this so much and so often. I have to tell you no many, very few people, take it seriously and as seriously as is necessary to create the dramatic impact that is possible to be had in your life. Very few commit to designing their life literally around these two things and therefore they are not lucky very often and they are never sustainably successful.
This is actually what my Wealth Groups are all about – every gathering a once-in-a-lifetime experience, an immersion for wealth attraction transformation (like a negative energy cleanse for your life and business) and showing you, proving to you, forcing you to feel the positive prosperous effects of it by re-aligning their minds, lives and practices and the actions and priorities within it every 90-days to be focused on this.
I think I’ll elaborate further on some of the key wealth attraction factors that go into this in the coming weeks. I once did a special deep dive training on Wealth Attraction long ago for all types of entrepreneurs. So often everyone is looking for the next tip or trick or strategy and always trying to find the greener grass for their business instead of looking inside themselves – always their own greatest limiting factor – their belief, attitude, mindset, quality of their actions and everything else.
They play business but they don’t master or hold the importance necessary for things like this and that’s where it all and always begins.
Some people are hoping to get lucky but doubting that they ever will and others are engineering their own luck and making certain that they do.
There is a big difference. And while life admittedly does have a lot of variables. Business does not. Nearly everything is controllable. Path over the Rainbow obvious. Pot of Gold pre-determined. Lucky charms all of your own making.
That basically wraps it up for 7 luck factors, I hope you use them as a checklist and assessment over the health of your business and your own personal life and mindset so you can step up the lucky leverage that is available to you.
I’ll leave you with this:
There are so many quotes about luck I could use here, today though, not for the first time I’m sure, I will share with you my absolute favorite quote and the one I would say serves as my guiding force, my personal mission statement, my compass that drives all action and direction for which I decide to pursue – commitment always precedes luck – remember that.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back– Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, do something fun, take some action, reflect, decide, commit to what’s next for you in your life and make a list of all the lucky things you intend to have happen to you between now and next years pot of gold, lucky charms, leprechauns and rainbows.
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