“The Success System That Never Fails”
July 25th, 2019 // 12:59 pm @ Scott Manning

In keeping with our theme but broadening it out I was recently thinking about an old classic, W Clement Stone’s “The Success System That Never Fails.”
It’s what everyone is always ‘searching’ for – THAT System – and yet it’s really all very obvious. It’s right here in this precious book that’s motivated and been in the hands of millions, I’m sure.
Question – Are you reading enough? Are you reading enough of the right things to keep your inspiration high, your ambition fueled, your positive energy lifted and your thinking on fire? Nothing does it like books.
Books are just so fascinating and you really leapfrog your knowledge and awareness of life, success, and everything by reading. It takes discipline but I believe you’ve got to do it – Your knowledge base alone isn’t going to get you anywhere, believe me, you’d already be there if it were. You’ve got to be a reader, a student.
And, if you can’t read, listen, but find ways to get other people’s knowledge and experience inside of you.
The reason I love books so much is not because I enjoy them, because that’s seldom, it’s because they inspire ideas, they motivate thoughts and actions, they give you consolidated focused information.
Back to my point today –
W Clement Stone’s book goes step-by-step through what he calls “The Success System That Never Fails” and it starts with 3 things that he says are the key to the entire system…
1. Inspiration to Action
2. Know-how
3. Activity Knowledge
I’ll let you read between the lines on these, but the key word at the end is ACTIVITY. You’ve got to be doing something with the Knowledge.
So, you ask yourself what “activities” are you doing to become successful, to accomplish your goals and to make what you say you want happen and move from idea to reality.
But it gets better…Stone goes on later to talk about this idea:
Which he says is the strongest single force in your success system.
What he means is that as long as you pretend that you are happy, content, and okay being where you are, doing what your doing, making what your making – then you resist the uncomfortable feeling of “inspiration dissatisfaction” and you choose inaction.
Only when you become inspired to bigger, better, greater things – do you embrace opportunity and INSIST on improvement and open your mind and life to that which will lead you there.
No matter whether you are only dreaming about having a business.
Still counting dollars until you can quit your job.
Searching for your first ‘real’ customer.
You’re already a Millionaire.
Living free, fat, and happy.
Have experienced success before.
If you are truly an Entrepreneur, truly success minded, truly serious about Business, even life, then the INSPIRATION DISSATISFACTION will drive you, you’ll feel it, and you’ll act on it.
You see, even being here, reading this, hanging out with me and our prestigious secret society of REAL Entrepreneurs can often be UNCOMFORTABLE, because I challenge you, and that’s the point –
Sometimes I even remind you of all that you are not doing.
But – I also remind you of all that can be done, of all that you can achieve, and I don’t stop there. I work hard every week to take you by the hand (or kick you in the rear) and guide you with the know-how to execute, decide, act faster and implement your ACTIVITY KNOWLEDGE.
You just have to have the Inspiration to Action in the first place.
I can assure you, you’ve got the Success System That Never Fails, it’s all pent up inside of you ready for you to tap into and experience what you are truly capable of.
You’ve just got to believe in and own it. And if you want to know why you are, or why you aren’t…
It’s because Your Reasons Are BIG Enough, or they’re not.
It’s because Your Inspiration Dissatisfaction is Real Enough, or it’s not.
It’s because Your Serious Enough, or you’re not.
I don’t judge what you want or are achieving. Results do. I don’t know what’s holding you back right now. You do.
It’s a bit of a tedious read, but powerful, and you should have the book, if nothing else, for the title. It’s a real wake up call. W Clement Stone – The Success System That Never Fails.
It’s a beautiful thing to know the one system that can’t fail you is owned by the one person who won’t ever let you down – yourself – unless you decide to. Either way, you are in control of the outcomes because you are in control of this powerful and reliable system.
Category : Blog