How To Get More Out Of Everything – Part 2
May 9th, 2019 // 10:42 am @ Scott Manning

Self-esteem and self-worth are like muscles. This is perhaps one of the greatest untold secrets of success that often goes neglected in the lives of people who drastically underperform and always wonder why.
It is because of the value a person feels about themselves that dictates the value the world will give back to them in return for being WHO they are, NOT just doing WHAT they do.
You can relate this to money, fees, and what you are paid… some people feel badly or even apologetic for what they are receiving. No person who has inner worth is afraid to ask for what they deserve from the world.
It always begins within.
If you want to get physically stronger and build your muscles, you have to workout, increase weights and push your limits. This is the same for your own confidence and deserve level. You must exercise your worth muscles.
There are, of course, many variables such as the information you exposure yourself to, the environment you put yourself in, and the people you have around you.
One of the great, if not the greatest, advantage for my Doctors who become part of our Dental Success Today Secret Society is that they are immersed in positive beliefs and motivation on a near daily basis. Over all, if you had to sum up what I am here to do for my doctors, it is by FORCE and IMMERSION strengthen their beliefs in themselves. I am working their muscles even when they don’t know it or realize it – every article, training, discussion, strategy session – it’s all about this.
The tactics, strategies, tips and actually the “doing of dentistry” are fundamentals tools necessary for success but not the most critical element. Anyone can have the tools, not very many ever figure out how to put them all together and make something really special happen. Mainly because no one will ever achieve more than they believe is possible, feel worthy of and actually DO WHAT IS NECESSARY to DESERVE it.
So, if it’s this obvious and all you have to do is feel better about yourself, then why don’t more people succeed in bigger ways? Why do some stay stuck or waste away doing ‘more of the same’ when the path to greater riches and rewards is so blatantly apparent?
That’s just it… it’s not obvious at all to a person who has become clouded in their own reality. When someone has become use to something, doing things a certain way, believing certain things are possible (or impossible), or worse yet when they have failed many times before, it’s natural to eventually quit aspiring for more and often don’t realize you even have.
This is the fallacy of time and effort. You know the expression, “The work will fill the time allowed,” and of course it is incredibly true. Therefore, if effort fills time and time is used up, we fall into the trap that there is nothing more that can be done because there is no more time to make changes.
Instead, the entire point is to REPLACE the existing effort with another in order to work smarter not harder. You create leverage so that the same amount of time yields a different result.
Once trapped though, no person thinks clearly about the cause and effect of it. In fact, that’s being nice about it because it’s actually much worse.
There is a book called Leadership by Self-Deception that describes one of the most negative and detrimental human characteristics of them all. Self-deception is usually the underlying root cause of people who get stuck in a rut in life or business and can’t seem to breakthrough. It’s all because of where they put their focus, their effort, their blame, their excuses and their responsibility.
What happens in this book is the reason why people stay trapped and therefore give up on their once believed potential… they become what I often talk about ‘self-fulfilling prophecies’ through one word: justification!
Justification is the fatal disease to success. When you become a justifier of your own actions and beliefs (or even others’ actions and beliefs), you start to justify what is instead of believe in what can be. You trap yourself into your own thinking because no one wants to be wrong, a failure or a disappointment; therefore, how could it be YOUR FAULT. Instead you must justify why something ‘is the way it is’ so that you are not the one who has to take the blame.
It’s harsh but true. And really, nothing I say can even do it justice without seeing yourselves in the characters of the book.
Today though, my point is and your actions are, work your muscles of self-belief, self-worth, and self-esteem. Exercise to build up the value of you. Remember that it is an inside job – success starts and ends inside of you.
I challenge you today to stop justifying what exists now and start being solution focused and open minded to the reality that you can make possible. If you want it badly enough and you really feel you are worth it, you will do what is required to deserve it and make it real.
In some way shape and form, we are all in our own way. That is what will lead to your next big breakthrough whether personally or professionally.
Stop deceiving yourself and making excuses. Now is the time to start believing in yourself and building your muscles of success!
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