No Seeds No Flowers, No Matter The Showers
April 11th, 2019 // 12:43 pm @ Scott Manning

You’ve read my thoughts on “Spring Cleaning” and the importance of doing it in your mental space as well as your physical space. In fact, just like clutter can keep you from finding something, the exact same thing is even more problematic in your mind.
This is because your mind has nearly unlimited capacity for memories, thoughts and ideas. It is much easier to clutter, not because your run out of room for storage, but you run out of consciousness and focus. What is taking up the most “space” will determine what you are able to achieve and accomplish.
In your mind right now: what is IN THE WAY of your next breakthrough? Next goal? Next ambition? Next action? Next decision? … that if removed, you can begin your journey FORWARD in the direction you now want to go.
In order to free yourself and give yourself permission to pursue whatever it is you want to in your life and business, you first must start with opening up space in your life, time, mind, effort and attention so that you can actually make it possible and do what is necessary to bring it to reality.
Here’s what I know…
EVERYBODY has got something in every moment of time that is in their way of wherever they are going next. Otherwise, you would already be there and have arrived only to then determine there is a new “what’s next.”
Just like the cycle of the seasons. Just like last week I challenged you to “be a Fool” and gave you permission to aspire and climb. This week, I challenge you and give you permission to do what you need to do to make that climb possible, to make your foolishness of ideas and ambitions REAL.
Last week, we talked about planting seeds. Well, growing up in the countryside of Indiana and to a degree working on a family farm throughout my childhood, I can tell you what they do BEFORE they can plant the seeds for the season…
They till the dirt. They cultivate the soil.
If you want some homework (probably you don’t; which proves a point in and of itself), look up the definition of tillage and cultivation as it applies to farming.
In summary, it is about PREPARING THE SOIL and AGITATING the ground surface in order to get it ready to accept and take in a seed.
I love the word cultivation because that is really what a business is.
The unfortunate part is so many business owners (and humans in general) expect the harvest without the planting or at best plant the seeds by just throwing them on the ground; instead of doing what it takes and is necessary: dig down deep and give the seeds the best possible chance to take root, grow strong and be fruitful in their development.
There is WAY TOO MUCH short sightedness and irresponsible development of what it really means and requires to reap the harvest from your business.
These are beautiful analogies of money to nature, prosperity to farming and growth to spring time. I’ll be back with maybe the best one yet next week.
In the meantime, what do you need to FREE UP and REMOVE – Spring Clean – from your mind, your life, your business, your customer base and anything else to be ready to reach your next desired level of growth, success, profit, goals in your life and business?
And… what are you doing right now to prepare your soil, to till your dirt and to ready your business so that you can cultivate what you say you want?
It’s one thing to say it, to even decide it, to really want it – and an entirely different thing to DO THE WORK required NOW to develop and prepare the foundation of your business for the harvest you wish to reap.
The fallacy and the laziness of the human mind believes that “once is enough” and “once” done it should be yours forever. Instead, nature and reality says: to deserve what you desire, you must replenish not just the seeds but the effort again and again and again.
Success doesn’t have to be cyclical because you get to determine your own seasons all based on what you are committed to doing on the farm of life and business. The beauty of business made as your own creation is that, DONE RIGHT, the Spring and the harvest can be every day, simultaneously. Is it for you?
If it isn’t… you are probably wandering around smelling weeds instead of flowers; when you ought to be digging up the soil and getting busy planting seeds.
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