I’d Be Frightened If I Were You…
October 25th, 2017 // 4:00 pm @ Scott Manning
Next week, as I have pointed out in many places, you have a great opportunity to have fun with your customers and your team. To be at the top of the mind of people giving you money and to be relevant by make doing business with you about more than just being boring, mundane, same old same old.
It’s Halloween!
And along the lines of differentiation and commoditizing your business, I thought it would be fun, since we’ll miss Halloween next week in this article, to bring it up now.
There is no question that business owners are scared about things that they shouldn’t be. Competition. Taxes. Economy. Doing all kinds of things to themselves mentally that only make their fears come true instead of being proactive and protective against them.
Next week my secret message that happens on Tuesdays goes in depth on this idea of Fear and what and how we really should be dealing with it.
Oh rest assured there are things that you should be afraid of – and – the good news is they are all within your control. Simply no reason to worry about the ones that aren’t.
Worry on these matters and you’ll struggle to find success. Focus on making money and growing your business and you will do just that.
Most people make up things that scare them before these things are actually true and on the flip side they continue self-defeating behavior or neglect through denial or ignorance on bad things that really will come back to bite when you least expect it.
Here’s a quick list of all the scary things you do to yourself in your business and may eventually haunt you – all avoidable if you take the proper precautions now.
Next week back to our deep dive into breaking free from commoditization and putting yourself in a position to earn respect, loyalty and money from your customers in very big ways.
I’d Be Frightened If I Were You…
1 – It’s scary to be dependent on any one source of new customers
2 – It’s frightening to pay last month’s bills with this month’s money
3 – You’ll end up like Frankenstein if you become too dependent or reliant on any one person or thing in your business
4 – It’s pure poison to not pay attention to your numbers, the right potion has its unique formula and you must master your own
5 – It’s a curse against yourself to be anything but grateful for your work
6 – It’s damning to think of money in evil ways rather than celebrate it
7 – It’s a fool’s plot to think money, business, rich is easy or without risk
8 – It’s dangerous to be at the mercy of the marketplace or industry norms
9 – It’s plain old bad luck to not change, evolve and grow continuously
10 – You’ll suffer like a vampire in the sunlight if you choose to keep your head buried in the sand of your business and never looking out for new opportunities
11 – You’ll be at the mercy of your customers like a witch with a voodoo doll if you give up control over your autonomy and liberation of your business
12 – You are as dead as a zombie if you think you can actually ever stop ‘selling’
13 – and you might as well be a shadow of yourself if you suppress your ambition and accept less than you deserve and don’t work to your greatest potential.
Thirteen for good luck. Now make sure you aren’t setting yourself up for the hex that only you can bring or avoid in your business with these important concepts of great impact and significance to your success and protection over your fortress.
Have a great Halloween and do something fun for yourself this special fall time of year – you deserve it and besides all the things you do inside of your business are suppose to lead to greater fulfillment for everything and everyone outside of it.
Life’s your broom…give it a ride…it will take you wherever you command it to go!
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