How To Find Emotional Independence In Your Business
July 12th, 2017 // 4:42 pm @ Scott Manning
Have you ever sat down at a café or bookstore or on some vacation and, as you look around to observe the lives of those nearby, you thought to yourself…
“Wow, I wonder what that would be like…guaranteed paycheck, set hours, routine life, consistency month to month?”
You’d be lying to say that you at the very least haven’t observed it and most likely thought it even if in jest.
There is a lot to be said for people who have that and the peace of mind that it brings. Of course, they wouldn’t know or realize it.
On the flip side, you would never choose that because you would give opportunity and replace it with limitation. You would exchange freedom for stability – giving yourself a simplistic, predictable approach to life while you surrender the possibility for the creation of expansionary income and experiences.
That is why it is critical that you learn to appreciate the emotional independence that should come with being in charge.
Most dread this part and that is why they fall into an employee mindset. They adopt a mentality of working their business as a job and a doer rather than as an owner and investor.
Emotional Independence says one should embrace the fact that you hold the power to make decisions for every aspect and part of your business and that in and of itself should give you peace of mind.
We all need emotional stability to be healthy. Anything that serves as the opposite of this is not healthy (even if a person feeds on erratic behavior or an episodic roller coaster of life like a Howard Hughes), it doesn’t end well. You gain peace of mind by knowing that as the puppet master nothing has to be permanent – you can change and adapt, which gives you ultimate flexibility.
There are three keys to emotional independence in business.
1 – Balance for yourself
2 – Management over others
3 – Staying proactive on goals
Balance is what you believe it to be… healthy relationships, healthy body, healthy expectations. You must emotionally disengage from taking things personally, paying attention to critics, listening to anything negative or focusing on topics detrimental to your objectives.
You must learn to manage others; not only their actions but their emotional interaction with your business, customers and co-workers. It’s just a matter of fact and if you don’t deal with it, you will be unpleasantly surprised at some point about crisis that you knew was coming but you failed to get ahead of it.
If you leave your company up to the emotional status of others you are going to be a victim to human behavior. These setbacks will occur so often you’ll never get the plane off the runway to make progress on anything of substance.
And of course, you must emotionally be prepared to be resilient towards your goals. That means not letting bad days or disappointments get in your way or slow you down. Being emotionally independent from these things allows you to make clear decisions and see into the future with x-ray like vision to be an effective leader of your company.
You can tell the level of success people are capable of by the degree in which they have emotional independence. Their perspective is facilitated by their business not hindered by it.
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