Learning To Let Go

Learning To Let Go

April 27th, 2017 // 10:47 am @

Learning To Let Go

If you aspire to achieve the next level of success in your life, whatever that may be (money, happiness, autonomy, health, anything really), then you are about to understand the most important thing you can do to make that happen.

What I’m about to tell you is the sure-fire action that acts as catalyst to forcing success to happen. It is also the hardest.

It is what I call “Letting Go.”

It is nearly impossible to achieve success at the highest levels with the same of anything that you began with.

Not the same ideas. Not the same behaviors. Not the same hobbies, interests, or people. Especially not the same people.

The only exception to this is when people around you also continue to grow. And that is the critical thing to know, you have to surround yourself with people on the same trajectory.

Still, as you evolve, you will plateau. It is the self-imposed ceiling around you, directly related to the people and the environment you are in.

This is why athletes thrive with different teams, or teams thrive with different athletes. This is why you are better and happier around certain people than others. This is why you have a preference on where to live, where to vacation, what to do. Everything truly does affect everything else.

The most impactful (for better or worse), thing that will affect how successful you are is the people whom you allow to hold you back. If those around you do not want the same things or have the same discipline or believe the same or even have the same agendas then you are destined for sabotage, not by them but by yourself, because you are the one allowing it.

If you feel stuck, do these things…

Change your habits
Change your environment
Change your friends
Change your customers
Change your associates

I can share with you personally and specifically exactly who or what I was letting hold me back and what I did differently to achieve the next break through. It has been this for each of my businesses, levels of growth in life and certainly for each of my income breakthroughs.

There is always a list, you have yours, the question is are you settling for it, dealing with it, or DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

This is exactly why I take on only very select and specific clients, people who share similar lifestyle, ideals, work ethics, and visions for their lives.

It is also why I do not socialize or spend time doing things that waste value, time or energy that do not facilitate the life and lifestyle that I want.

Yes, people will think you ruthless, arrogant, heartless at times and those same people will be living paycheck to paycheck complaining about the weather and everyone else in their lives while you are getting rich, enjoying your success and living the good life on your terms.

I will also tell you that the one thing that usually has to change first is good news because it is something only you can control – your perception. You have certainly heard the phrase that the way you see the problem is most often the problem.

Here is what you should know: you are only one person, with one life, with just 24 hours in your day… Everyone’s reality is that we do not have very many years left, so what you do with them, who you allow into them, how you invest them is what matters most.

That is why I believe you must set your business up to serve your life and you must be the ultimate judge and jury of what gets in and what purpose they serve. Your life is not meant to be divided equally amongst random people or things that pick and choose how they affect you.

Yes letting go, getting people to walk the plank off your ship in life, or throwing them overboard is just part of it. I leave you with two analogies, you have probably heard this one…

Your business (or life) is like a bus, you only have so many seats, you let people on and off the bus as you go through life. That bus, your life, is only as successful and happy as the people who occupy it’s seats.

More good news – you own, drive, direct, operate the bus – you get to choose and decide.

Lastly, I will explain it this way, with a vivid picture, as you are climbing the mountain of life, you can choose to allow anyone a chance to tag along, to hang on to you as long as they do not become a weight, as long as they follow your lead and they contribute to your climb…

However if they work against you in any way, become discouraging or against the flow and energy of the mission, then you must cut them off, and if they fall out of your life and to the bottom you can’t afford to worry, hesitate, loosen your grip and you darn sure can’t look down and risk falling, you must continue on, looking up, climbing on.

That is reality my friends. You are not building an arc, you don’t have to make room for two of everything. Build your business to serve your life, know what that is, and only allow people into your life that facilitate your purpose and happiness.

This, above all else, is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur, you must let go and leave behind to continue your journey and progress – it is the only way. Yes, times change and so must everything else.

The famous book title says, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” so it is your job to identify where you are at and where you are going. Then MAKE THE LIST and let go and leave behind. You will only feel bad for a moment, after that the most liberating feeling will occur and your success will be eminent.

Here’s to doing the hard thing that we all know is the right thing, for you and for others – what habits, people, ideas, thinking, opportunities should you be letting go of right now (or a long time ago) in order to continue your climb up the mountain of your journey and goals in your business and life.

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