Guaranteed Results: 2016 Your Best Year Ever – Part 2

Guaranteed Results: 2016 Your Best Year Ever – Part 2

January 27th, 2016 // 3:33 pm @

Guaranteed Results: 2016 Your Best Year Ever – Part 2

You have your plan. You have your weekly actions. You have your obsessive laser focused 2016 objectives that you are committed to.

So now what?

I’ll tell you what. Most people stop right here. They stop.

Goals, usually done. Thinking about it, talking about it, at best writing it down…then done. We’ve already done two better than that. You’ve broken it down into exactly how the formula of your business model will produce your ideal financial objective for 2016. Great work!

This is the absolute best and only way to make it realistic. You have to break it down and make it specific to the revenue streams of your business.

Then you actually created a plan. A plan that will be your guide to achievement and that is almost the most important thing but it’s not.

Obviously ACTION is the key but before action you must identify your list of obstacles that can prevent you from making it happen.

I think this is the single biggest part all entrepreneurs miss, they go out on blind faith… faith maybe okay, but blind, not so good; because we know innately what obstacles are going to get in the way (there will be others), but the big ones we know and we must stack the deck in our favor.

This is a very critical part of success…

Accurate thinking.
Not being oblivious.

I could go on here.

Simply know this – what is your Achilles heel? What are your weaknesses? What has caused failure before? What are the weaknesses of your team?

If you have places or mistakes that are commonly where you go wrong – how can we off set them, how can we make up for them, how can we remove, eliminate, delegate, mitigate these things in order to drive forward aggressively with confidence and certainty that we have taken away all the things the enemy, the competition, yourself, market trends or anything else can be destroyed and conquered.

Sometimes the most obvious things we leave to chance, when they could be controlled.

If you have 12 weeks of action plans, every week you face something that you have wanted to make happen but you have not accomplished for whatever reason. I would say the reason should be very clear and you want to not ignore it but work to position yourself for success.

If you charge forward leaving this list of obstacles, interruptions, and distractions in your life, you will not be able to fully gain momentum, hit your stride, and drive forward leveraging each of your 12 weekly committed actions. Your potential will be squandered and you will fall short of your victory again.

Now if you want some extra super powers to help you with these, here’s my top four…

1. Control your working environment

2. Surround yourself with people and systems who can do everything you are not great at…fill your time with the thing that you are best at, that is your highest and best use of time

3. Control your time, your energy, your attitude; find ways to wake up, dive in and stay focused through your day by setting time blocked goals

4. Break your weekly actions down to segments of specific tasks; many people use the phrase ‘chunk it down’ so you can make it manageable and you can fit it into a defined framework of time

Here’s a bonus that will change everything if you will really take it to heart: make and allow NO excuses. Accomplish your execution items daily and weekly to hit your monthly targets.

12 weeks, you can’t afford to be behind or miss one or stop short…this is all about compounding effect and results of each week on the next to drive you forward.

Your biggest guaranteed success secret for 2016 is coming up next week.

Today, do your homework please, outline your obstacle list and conquer every single one of them.


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