The List You Probably Haven’t Made
December 23rd, 2015 // 12:15 pm @ Scott Manning
Sometime over the next few days when the bellies are full, the kids are playing, while the music’s still on the Christmas station, the lights still glowing and the fire still burning I will sneak away and do whatever every Entrepreneur does at Christmas…
Write out my Christmas List for next year. My wish list for all the things I want (just so Santa has extra time to prepare of course). What would you do on December 26th other than this?
Oh, well you know me better than that. I’m not talking about ‘gifts’ I want to be given or even things that have anything to do with Christmas a year into the future – rather I’m talking about all the things I want to make happen, to be, do, have, experience, create, build, enjoy, invest, expand, grow by this time next year.
Why don’t we rename this list, instead of the ‘wish list’ how about for forever more it’s known as the ‘Make It Happen List’ because after all (I say it right here every single year) you get to be your own Santa Claus.
That, to me, is the most amazing thing about Entrepreneurship.
You get to pick where your workshop is, you get to choose your own elves, you get to do whatever you want for whom ever you please. You get to build, make, be known for things you love, enjoy and are best at.
You take orders from no one, limitations only exist in your mind, and above all else you can do good and be merry all the year through.
Yes, being your own Santa Claus for me is the truest essence of Entrepreneurship.
The only question is are you taking your role and responsibilities seriously or are you sitting back wondering when someone else is going to give you want you want, do all that you are expecting, waiting for the big man in the magic suit and sleigh to show up and make life jolly. You should be taking life by the reigns and getting it done yourself…because that’s what it’s all about.
After all the presents are unwrapped, after all the leftovers have been eaten, after everyone has celebrated the holiday season I urge you to go off in a little corner (or for that matter sit down with the whole family) to make our lists of what we are going to not ask for but do for ourselves for next year. What a great deadline we have to become your own Santa Claus.
And by the way, a very important fact about this list, your list, it’s no different that when you were a kid,: if it’s not on the list, then it’s not going to happen. If you want it under your tree, in your life, part of your business next year; you better get it on this list right now.
Tis’ the season…to be thinking about all the things you want and are ‘going to make happen’ next year.
Merry Christmas my friends, enjoy your family, celebrate the season, and above all else let’s share the truth with those you love and care about, it’s not about what you want it’s always about what you do that ultimately matters.
Make the list Santa Claus, you do deserve to have it all.
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