Why You Must Become a Fortress of Prosperity
October 21st, 2015 // 2:10 pm @ Scott Manning

Halloween is just 10 days away and while we may have lots of fun with this party ‘holiday’ there are scary things you have to face every single day as an entrepreneur. Most you may succumb to and not even realize it. You may be victim to the spells cast by your customers, your employees, your competitors, your industry or worst of all your own beliefs.
There is no other more crippling belief that will rob you of your ability to prosper than your own mindset about money, your relationship with it, your comfort with it, your fear or nervousness or disinterest with it.
Many entrepreneurs avoid money like the plague or scary movies on Halloween night. This is no good. And it certainly will result in you being at the mercy of all other evil forces that will drive your business and your own potential into the ground.
This is the very reason most business owners never break past the cycle of monthly cash flow being just enough to pay the bills; really no matter how big their business gets they are repelling the excess profit like avoidance of some superstition.
Here’s the deal… Money moves where ever it is welcomed.
And by the way you should go to places like this…and watch it move from people’s pockets into the flow of prosperity that is all around you.
I just came back from a trip to Las Vegas…what a city, an experience, an adventure…ironically there’s a whole lot of scary things, some would say even evil things going on there…a great place that’s the epitome of all the good and bad in the world, and yet you know what, there is probably no better place on the earth to go to see just how much prosperity there is, just how amazing an environment that is designed to extract money from people in exchange for experience – experience – you understand it’s all about the experience.
There’s so many examples I can give you.
The restaurants, the shops, heck even the coffee 2, 3, even 4 times the price in Vegas than anywhere else. The shows. Not to mention the gambling, the resorts, and well, you get the idea.
It’s a very simple concept. Every single building you adventure through, every single store you peruse, every place you go has been created to be an environment and atmosphere of wealth, activity, fun, and unforgettable.
I’ve written about Vegas many times over the years, and Disney world, and the Ritz Carlton and many other places…not just high end places or expensive place just places, businesses, services that help their customers and make them enjoy exchanging money for whatever it is that they, or you, provide.
What you have to understand and embrace is no prosperity is created accidentally, at least not sustained for any length of time. You have to orchestrate it.
So you think Las Vegas is out of your league, you can’t resonate with it, here’s an easier one. I went to Las Vegas for a friend and client of mine who had an amazing advanced dental education event about orthodontics and case finishing, among other things.
His event was packed full, well over the desired registration and minimums that needed to be met. Probably 4-6 times that of an “average” dental seminar similar in nature.
He accomplished this because he has built an event that is experiential, it is different, it is sought after and he has a reputation and relationship with his list and students. He is thriving while others struggle and fail.
In addition to his event…he brought people to Las Vegas who then fed the Vegas Phenomenon and there in lies the secret to both of their successes.
Every great business is DESTINATION driven, it is supported by others who round up customers for you. I teach this with my Healthcare Partnerships concept with my internal referral network that explodes patient growth for our dentists. My friend did this with his seminar because he packaged together more advanced skills and an array of experience Dentists can’t get anywhere else. They don’t want to go to just any event or continuing education, they want to go there.
The best restaurants in your local city are destination driven, they are different, they are known for their experiences. Same with great brands. They are appealing to money as much as they are appealing to customers.
The best way to fight against the evil forces is to become immune to them, is to live in a bubble, is to create your own environment, your own atmosphere, your own ecosystem.
While your competitors are trying to shun you, while your industry is trying to commoditize you, while your customers are trying to cheapen you, while your employees are trying to shortcut you… you must not relent, you must not give up, you must not become susceptible to the spells or negative thoughts sent in your direction, you have to find ways to build a fortress of prosperity around you.
This week I want you to self-assess places where you know you are letting other evil forces creep in and direct or discourage or interfere with money flowing to you. How can you become more attractive and appealing to money and create an environment where your customers want to give you money.
Next week in our Halloween Edition I’ll break down the spooky things haunting you in the night and how to protect your prosperity against them. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Any one of these could be the difference maker for you to break through and break free to the next level of wealth in your life.
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