XXX Factors – PART 1 of 4 – Getting Customers to Sell Themselves
August 5th, 2015 // 2:02 pm @ Scott Manning

Okay. Are you ready? If you listen and apply each of these XXX Factors over the next 4 weeks they are going to alter the way you sell customers, clients, or patients in your business. It’s going to dramatically accelerate your cashflow and expedite your conversion from prospect to customer. It will allow you to sell at whatever prices and fees you choose, and do business on your own terms while creating rock solid, engaged, loyal and committed relationships with your customers.
This week, we start off easy.
Getting people to sell themselves is all about – Participation… Participation in the selling process.
I call it creating Participatory Activities – this is ultimately forcing ENGAGEMENT and consumption of your key triggers or conversion activators within your sales process and prospect experience.
As you will see this is a foundational piece to the other 3.
If you want to go from coercing, manipulating, bribing, begging, or chasing your prospects for money to… getting them to do all the work and to make their own decisions effortlessly, then you have to get them involved.
There are simple ways to do this such as
There are more advanced ways to do this
Attend an Event
Go Through an Educational Course
Show Proof of Consuming Information
Jumping through hoops (as we call it) makes your prospects work to be “sold”.
This is a big difference from acting desperate or accepting whatever your prospects want YOU to do, instead of getting THEM to do something.
It’s about earning the right to become a customer which adds value.
Here are a few examples.
My “prospects” often wait 2-4 weeks sometimes over a month in order to schedule a custom profit blueprint strategy call with me. Prior to this call they are required to read, watch, listen and consume information to help prepare their mind to be ready for the in-depth discussion we will have about their business.
In advance of our call they are required to submit a multi-page questionnaire that is both information for me and self-assessment/reflection for them. About 8 out of 10 times it’s the first time ever and at least the first time in a long time that they have ever had to do this much critical thinking about their life and business as they know it.
Beyond this, even after a prospective client is approved and we’ve made a mutual decision to engage, my schedule is booked without wiggle room a quarter in advance, thus delaying the consummation of our relationship, their benefit, and my ‘ability’ to sell.
This buys trust and forces everyone involved to take this very seriously.
We and ALL of my clients have a participatory selling process of client, customer, patient engagement in order to make the most of the time invested for both people.
If you do not have a system in place where your prospects must do work, ideally wait, earn the right, and participate in the education of whatever it is you do, including getting to know themselves better…you are doing the heavy lifting and you are putting yourself at a disadvantage and you are commoditizing yourself.
Stop that. It’s no fun for anyone, especially you and your prospective customers, clients, and patients.
Make it fun by getting them involved and participating in the process leading up to them giving you money.
They will respect you AND themselves more; and you’ll profit big because of it.
Let’s practice, why don’t you write back to me how you plan to get your prospects involved and the participatory activities you can include, build, create, start doing with your prospects now.
Let’s do it!
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