What Will Be In Your Stocking in 22 Days?
December 3rd, 2014 // 1:41 pm @ Scott Manning

I hope You had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday with your Family, if you are in the US last week, or just a wonderful weekend anyways where ever you are.
Thanks to everyone who sent such awesome responses to last weeks message and for the last minute vote-getting to one of the world’s foremost user driven content social media integration start-up company’s that I advise: Chitter.
Now. On to making you money.
One of my Company’s had their largest week of Lead inflow and most successful “activity” the three days leading up to Thanksgiving. With no sale, no real gimmicks, and without being in the office on Thursday or Friday.
This was cultivated from efforts driven throughout the month because we did not use the Holiday as the Excuse to slow down any of our gameplan. We did take advantage of it however.
No, we are not in a black-Friday retail business or selling air across the internet, we are talking about Professional, Legitimate Busy Practice Owners, who all also took parts of the week off. Yet, they still found time to respond and engage with us.
So, why is it then that so many people will slow down instead of speed up for the Holidays?!
Did you know, if you took into account every major holiday and excused yourself out of part or all of that week, you would quickly find you’d lose at least a month, probably more like 6 weeks, and if you added in all the made-up retail, calendar boosters, fake vacations, and sort of ‘off’ just-because-Holidays, you’d loose an entire quarter of your year if you let these affect you.
It’s no wonder why average people who accept the status quo and fall into complacency controlled by others take years to achieve what someone who is focused, driven, accountable, and aggressively executing on a strategic agenda and schedule and plan that is all their own, undeterred by outside forces, grows quarter to quarter, year to year, substantially, and applies the concept of multiplication or exponential growth instead of addition or staying the same.
If you give in to everything around you, you are already at so much of a disadvantage it’s impossible to keep up let alone achieve your stated goals and objectives.
This is why I advise and encourage you to maximize every day, use every holiday, and otherwise be resourceful to what the world gives you to further your personal and professional ambitions.
It’s just smart.
Success, Money, Prosperity, they like people who take control, responsibility, and are smart with their time and their abilities.
Sure, it’s okay to take time off, you know my thoughts on vacation, the more the better, with in reason, you are your own peak performer, your quarterback, who needs time in between games and seasons, but don’t let time on the clock go to waste. Never.
December is upon us.
One-twelfth of your year is yet to go, that’s a lot of days in the scheme of things and you get to choose how you use them. I have already, as I do every year, sent you my End of Year Fast Action Profit List that you should review and use every December to make the most of the turn of the calendar and holiday/buying spirit of your prospects, clients, patients and customers.
Today I encourage you to make your List. Not your Christmas Wish List, rather your Proactive-take-initiative-Finish-Strong list for December 2014.
What is the number one most pressing thing you can do to achieve your goals or accelerate progress in the next 24 days?
What messes need cleaned up, what things need addressed so you can begin fresh again in the New Year with no baggage or frustration?
What opportunities have been missed, underutilized, what people, ideas, or assets have been ignored or taken for granted that can be reignited, reestablished, invigorated with the Holiday Spirit and final sprint to the end?
I say to you this, and I have said it many times, in most things how you start can impact how you finish, at the end of the year the opposite is true, how you finish will directly determine and predict how you will start YOUR next new year.
The first Gift you have this year is the Month itself, to make the most of, to hustle and create your own magic.
You do get to choose what you get this Holiday Season, a stocking full of coal otherwise known as a month of excuses, or a bounty full of prosperity, opportunity and momentum going into 2015 to propel you forward towards your future.
No…Santa Claus is not watching, he’s not checking his list, he’s not concerned with you…because, he’s WORKING! I’d follow this guy in that suit, if I were you, and do the same.
Category : Blog