Significance. How to make ALL you do, Matter.
December 25th, 2014 // 12:23 pm @ Scott Manning
You’ve heard the book titles and listened to the speeches, you’ve been told this before, again and again and now I’m here to remind you…
Whether you Start With Why
You Remember your Purpose
Embrace Your Mission
Share Your Passion
Or how ever you choose to state it, it’s true, that the BIGGER, STRONGER, BOLDER, more committed you are to the “REASONS” you choose to live this life and chase your dream and sacrifice the hours of your day and the days of your life away, the more apt you are to achieve whatever it is you desire and attain all that you deserve.
Life is about opportunity cost about doing some-thing instead of some-thing-else. That is your decision and choice on a daily, moment-by-moment basis.
Donald Trump says, if you are going to do it why not do it BIG. Whatever “BIG” means to you, figure it out and be dogged and aggressive about conquering it. Why else would you, for what other reason can you excuse the investment of your life if not deliberately devoted in-to a direction and plan of your design.
Happiness is not an elusive mystical thing, it is however magical, and comes from true alignment of the satisfaction of the “work” being tied to the enjoyment of the “outcome”.
Today, and everyday, I wish for you to be reminded of why you do what you do and never settle for it being anything less than what you have always hoped it to be, never let what “is” get in the way of “all that can be” because acceptance of the status quo or your current circumstances no matter how poor or prosperous they are, is the most debilitating way to destroy the magic and power of believing in all that is possible.
And, there is one thing I can tell you today that I’m certain of, the only way you can ever get to an even more amazing FUTURE is if you allow your mind to wander and dream and work towards the POSSIBILITIES of the TOMORROW – Today!
Enjoy, Savor, Cherish, and Live Passionately today with your family and friends. Sending you merry thoughts and happy wishes on Christmas and every day in between.
Scott, Ryan, our Team
and everyone apart of the Manning Families
Category : Blog