Looking Through The Windshield of Your Future
December 31st, 2014 // 11:27 am @ Scott Manning

Well, another year in the books, isn’t that special…at least it should be. But, what’s exciting is about all that’s to come. Enough reflection, looking back, and pondering in hindsight, who care’s. What’s done is done and you’ve got one more year ahead of you…how many more, that is the question?
There’s an awesome book that I gift to many of my clients that contains an exercise in it helping you to figure how many days you have left on earth, before you die, based on the average longevity of a Human Being depending on either Man or Woman and I think it’s great.
Everyone should know this number.
Because what matters is ALL THAT IS LEFT – what is yet to come, not what has passed. What is behind you has led to who you are, but does not determine who you will become.
Today, I give you permission to…
Stop dwelling, forget the good, the bad and the ugly of 2014 in your life and look through the windshield of the Future and see what is ahead of you, all the possibilities of the uncharted territory of your life. Too many people get stuck looking in the little tiny mirror and running into objects in front of them or worse yet missing opportunities all around them because they are stuck looking into the past.
The windshield is BIG for a reason. It shows all kinds of possibility of where you can go and the pathways to get there. Look, Imagine, Drive to the Horizon in front of you.
This is what your journey should be about.
I have a saying perhaps I have said it here before to you, even recently…
NEVER Let What “IS” Get In The Way Of What “CAN BE”.
This is the critical key to everything you are capable of – it is believing and acting in a way that will explode the glass ceiling over your head and elevate your vision to see bigger and differently than where you are today.
In keeping with the New Year Theme, I have some suggestions.
Start now and do the following activities.
1 – rebuild your bucket list, the things you desire, that you want to do, be, have, experience, acquire, accumulate, make this list, update it for 2015 and beyond
2 – outline your specific business goals beginning with THE NUMBER, Your Ultimate GOAL that you want to achieve and then build it backwards down to the very specific ONE THING that you should focus on doing to achieve this, the leverage point that makes everything else possible.
3 – Describe and role play into the future your behavior, decisions, actions all the way down to your daily routine of what it will take to achieve the lifestyle you want and make #1 and #2 a reality.
4 – Make a list of anything that can get in your way, distract you, slow you down, or otherwise keep you from getting and achieving this ideal behavior and your ultimate goals and EXTRICATE THESE obstacles from your life.
5 – Make the list of people who you need to be part of this vision with you, support required, delegation, or other “human assets” you need to employ to make you successful, and devise a plan for each of them specifically so there is clarity, empowerment, and accountability.
Here are 5 POWERFUL steps, activities, actions to take and disciplines to live by to ensure you make 2015 your biggest, best, most prosperous and exciting year ever.
I want you to look back on 2015 with grand ambitions enjoyed and life objectives conquered.
Know this, your clarity of purpose and focused specific directed plan and blueprint to follow are the most important ingredients to the recipe for your success, the only way to have certainty is to be committed to doing whatever it takes and making it happen.
Best wishes to you in the new year, create your own luck, design your future, and be the artist of your dreams.
Category : Blog