THIS is a Profound Statement for Thanksgiving…
November 26th, 2014 // 12:00 pm @ Scott Manning

Every year we arrive at this time of November where the celebration of giving thanks is on our minds and in our hearts. You spend time with those you care about and hopefully doing things to express gratitude to them.
As an entrepreneur, professional practice owner, consultant, leader, influencer, or business owner of some sort, we have an opportunity to truly create abundance in all areas of our life and to give and share and enjoy not just one day of celebration but every day that we get to do what we love to do.
There are times when you may feel frustrated, stressed, or even overwhelmed. There maybe days, weeks, or even months that you question doing whatever it is you do – and then you remind yourself – there is nothing else that you’d love more to look forward to day-to-day than how you not just make your living, but design your life.
You see, after all, for “us” – we get to use our interests, talents, skills, passions to help the world and they in turn repay us and let us give to those we love and care for, the thankful things and people and ideas we hold dear.
What a wonderful thing.
Me writing to you today. Knowing that because of you, because of my value exchanged with your interest, I get to be thankful for so much and live and do and act on that gratitude in ways many could only imagine.
Thanks-a-lot and I promise to honor you every day by giving-a-lot back to those who choose to act on my words and ideas, who take what you do so seriously that makes what I do so important.
For everything in life there is one thing and therefore another.
You make what I do possible.
Without you, there is no me, no purpose, no reason, no ‘why’.
Please, stop, pause, take a deep breath in, there is so much to be thankful for that has been given to us to enjoy and benefit from – and then there is so much that you have made possible too – we are after all, each in the life-changing business, in some way, shape, or form, nothing is ever done, bought, followed, invested in without making some change, addition, enhancement to another persons life.
Many people are thankful for you. No doubt.
And you are thankful for many. Of course.
Please, never stop remembering just how special you are, without you many things do not happen. You push a lot of domino’s, you create a lot of effect with your cause.
It’s okay, good, healthy, to also be thankful for yourself and that that you are catalyst for. This keeps you on your toes, reminds you of your responsibility, and YOUR ABILITY to do great things with every day of your life.
Meaning. Is opinion. Celebration. A preference.
But your daily action, an essential necessity, to keep the cycle of giving and having reason for thanks all around you.
I leave you with one of the most profound sayings I have ever read. It was a sticker I found, a decal in a random shop wondering the retail mall many many years ago.
I kept it on my daily planner until it wore out. It said…
“Somedays, I hate being me, and then I smile, because I’m not you”
Yes, of course, silly it’s a funny saying, a joke.
However, the point is clear.
Wish only to be a better you – you are already great – so go do something with it.
Be thankful for what you’ve got, all you’ve earned, and the unlimited possibilities that exist in your life, your cornucopia of opportunity to do with what you will.
That’s thanksgiving and you get to celebrate it whenever you want as often as you please.
Happy Thanksgiving to You and Your Family
Category : Blog