How to Make Every Customer Worth MORE
November 13th, 2014 // 2:14 pm @ Scott Manning

Last week I wrote to you about getting your customers to VOTE for You with their money, which first requires them to vote with their trust and confidence in you.
Still, most every business owner underestimates both the difficulty of this and the importance of it…because ANYONE can trick someone into giving you money once – but that won’t get you very far…it’s about COMMITMENT – Loyalty – REFERRALS.
I just do not understand WHY most people in business (even a some reading this right now) neglects to build long term relationships. You have to invest in your customer. Hands down it is that simple. If you do not you are missing the most rewarding and profitable VALUE that they offer – the value of the referral and the repeat purchase.
This is where the real money is at.
Take my wonderful Dentist clients from all over the world. No other person (and I mean this literally), on this earth can accelerate the growth in terms of profits to a Dental Practice or any Professional Practice serving Patients for that matter like I can. I do it daily.
However, the first and most important aspect of my work with a Dentist and their team (which sometimes takes months and months) is getting them to focus on the REAL VALUE of a Patient.
The entire Dental Industry is saturated with the idea of Hygiene and what they call “re-call” or “re-care” visits from patients. This happens to be the lowest value aspect of any Dental Practice. And while it does not require the Doctors time, a good thing, it also is the lowest return on investment.
Practices wonder why they do not receive a multiple of growth year to year and instead they only grow, if at all, very gradually, because they are growing with the smallest of profit margins in their practice.
These Dentists miss where the real profit is – complete dentistry. And the point I am making is this – when you serve the patient the best – the patient will reciprocate. No patient is referring his/her friends and family for teeth cleanings and hygiene visits. It’s not exciting.
You have to get inside of the mind of the customer to find out what they really value and invest your time and money and attention into the relationship you have with your customers.
In every Business THERE IS A “hygiene department”, a maintenance based cushion of income that LOOKS and even FEELS like it’s profitable, yet, it is not where you will make your money, it is not how you will get rich.
It’s stepping over dollars to pick up pennies as the example goes.
Yes, in a successful business just like a practice YOU DO IT ALL, and every piece and part of a customer relationship can be taken care of in your business, but it can’t be your focus.
You get to decide if you want to have a revolving door of volume based customers that come and go as they please leaving a few pennies of profit behind, or if you are going to really nurture and invest in your customer relationship and get to the sweet spot, the significance, the leverage point of profits.
And then you will thrive.
What is that for your business?
What’s the sweet spot of profit?
How can you find Leverage from your customers?
If you are not receiving referrals, repeat purchases, ascension in value of your clients, if you are only getting customers to go to walk through the door but not stay very long or buy anything you will never find accelerated, multiplied growth.
How do you make this happen? How do you evolve your business?
You get inside the mind of the customer, that’s how, and next week, I’m going to tell you exactly how to do that – with my 7 steps to understanding the buying psychology of your customers.
Want to know how to trigger referrals on demand and make paying you as much money as possible an achievement in your customers minds – stay tuned.
Until then, identify your “sweet spot” and look for the leverage and profit in your business. It’s there, it’s your job to build a path your customers will follow.
Next week I will show you how.
Category : Blog