7 Steps To Get Inside The Mind Of Your Customer
November 20th, 2014 // 11:53 am @ Scott Manning
This week I’m giving you an early Thanksgiving gift. Contained inside are literal Super Powers of Psychological understanding about why your Customers, Clients, or Patients BUY and HOW they make decisions.
Today I unveil to you my 7 Steps to Understanding the Buying Psychology of Your Customers…
1st – Identifying the problems the customer really wants to solve
2nd – Create a list of all the negative impacts that occur in the customer’s life if they do not solve these problems
3rd – Calculate and illustrate an opportunity cost if the customer does not act to solve these problems in comparison to your price
4th – Identify the advantage or benefit the customer gains
5th – Create a list of all the positive advantages that occur in the customer’s life if they receive these benefits
6th – Calculate and illustrate the value proposition of each benefit the customer gets in comparison to your price
7th – Connect your offer and the action you want the customer to take with each of the 6 steps listed above
Once you do this, you wrap your copywriting up in a story and give the customer a look into your crystal ball of which path they choose.
Your challenge is in figuring out whether the negative impacts or positive gains will move your customer to buy. And moving them into the future of what their life will be like if they move forward with their purchase with you.
Don’t underestimate the simplicity of this formula. Take a look at your sales and marketing strategy now and see how much of it is about your product, service, features, or even benefits about what you do – versus – what the customer actually wants and experiences.
Almost never is the customer buying “your product or service” rather they are buying the pains or pleasures avoided or gained by your product or service.
When you move to this level of engagement and understanding of your customer you win; and they enjoy and want to buy from you, more and more, plus tell others about you.
Mastery of this, not of your craft or what you do, is how you get rich in your business.
Next week I will dig deeper and give you the 5 major ways to read your customers minds and fill out the answers to these 7 steps.
You’re in for a real surprise.
Category : Blog