Your 4th Quarter ‘Finish Strong’ Tips
October 9th, 2014 // 12:22 pm @ Scott Manning

Okay, you ready, here’s my Annual Hot List of “THINGS TO DO” to make the most of your last 90-days (now less) of 2014.
1. Halloween Themed Promotion, the biggest adult holiday of the year, people miss the buzz, the hype, and the fun, use what the calendar gives you, make it interesting, give them a reason to buy and to talk about you.
2. Prepare to Raise your Fees and Prices in 2015 and push hard to “renew” or convert or upsell clients and patients and customers now going into the Holiday Season.
3. Think about REFERRALS, what can you do differently that’s compelling, for the Family Season, now is your chance to be memorable and get people talking to those around them.
4. Tie into Charity. Hey, it always pays to do good all throughout the year, but when it comes to the last 3 months people are really in the giving spirit and you can use that to your advantage while helping others – great new customer or patient promotions, fund raisers, community involvement, be creative.
5. Host a special event for your VIPs, Preferred Clients and Members, introduce new services to your top customers, give back to those who support you
6. Reactivate, reactivate, reactivate prospects, leads, customers, inactive, lost, anyone who’s stalled out or ceased to progress their involvement in your business, now’s the time to launch those campaigns
7. If you sell to businesses or take insurance or any other type of “YEAR END” ideas you have the excuse to maximize benefits, tax savings, and other reasons and ways to spend and buy in to things
8. One of my favorite messages…give yourself a gift – to your customer – they all serve a lot of people, the end of the year they can give something to themselves, launch a little Pamper Yourself Promotion or otherwise engage them in things that let them do what they want but not what they want to admit
9. THANK YOUR TOP REFERRAL SOURCES or best customers or influencers or supporters – please – right now make a list of the most important people in your life and your business and let them know about it
10. Make a list of the top priorities in your life and business that will bring you the most return or progress or other benefit, prioritize them week by week through the end of the year…before the 12 days of Christmas have the 12 Weeks of Productive and Proactive Money Making
Okay, that’s 10 of the BIG ONES and ought to give you some places to focus and things to go and do and profit from.
Now, last little reminder: I have decided to do something a bit different this year.
I’m going to host a Group Blueprint Planning Session for 2015 sort of like a hybrid Mastermind where we layout an aggressive “Best Year of Your Life Plan” for your business in 2015 and included in that a unique Finish 2014 Strong Accountability Execution that I’ll work with individually.
Private Clients get first shot, but I would imagine 6-8 slots being opened up for general membership. If you would like to inquire or talk through your options, please email Diana directly and I’ll have her send you over the outline for this special and unique group experience.
Our Mastermind should take place mid-Nov or early-Dec and the accountability for 2014 will occur immediately.
Please understand, your objective should be at minimum to generate an extra $100,000 in the next 90-days and growth in income/revenue in the 30-50% increase for 2015, minimum, I’d prefer people with the ambition of Doubling your overall business or direct net income next year.
Everybody needs a little pat on the back or a swift kick in the rear end from time to time, if you’re serious about making the most of the rest of this year it can only help to have me guiding, nudging, helping, pushing you along so the last chance at making 2014 count and going into the New Year strong doesn’t get away from you.
If it’s not a good fit, we’ll tell you, there’s no harm in inquiring.
Successful, prosperous, positive people are always on a search, a journey, an expedition of discovery of the next breakthrough, big idea, method of acceleration.
Are you?
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