Fighting Against The Demons of Life
October 24th, 2014 // 12:46 pm @ Scott Manning

Life is a daily battle. At least if you are actually trying to accomplish anything.
You might fight –
Team Members
Or any other Frustrations
The list of course can go on and on and on for You AND anyone else you know, employ, work with, or otherwise interact and expect things from.
These are all ‘necessary’ evils as they say, at least some of them…I mean you can certainly avoid or mitigate or minimize or eliminate some from time to time, day to day.
Still, you’ll never escape the Battle that exists in and out of “your world” and daily life.
There are however more significant wars that must be waged daily that will forever be the most detrimental enemies that you face.
As we hit the home stretch into Halloween, the biggest adult holiday of the year, where more money than you can possibly imagine, businesses, ideas, events, and literally INDUSTRIES are conceived, birthed, and exist because of this holiday.
I thought I’d give you my annual list and reminder to Champions about the REAL OPPONENTS you play against throughout your life in all areas forever.
1st – Time
2nd – Acceptance of Mediocrity
3rd – Inspiration, Ideas, Implementation
4th – Prosperity and Abundance or Deserve Levels
I could carry on with more subsets of things that will take away your purpose and passion and slow you down and get in your way. The reality is, you can’t separate any one thing from the 4 things listed above.
TIME is all we really have…the one thing created equal for all people…the seconds move the same no matter who you are, where you live, what work you do, or the money you make.
Mediocrity IS A DISEASE of acceptance of status quo, complacency, often times a result of depression, lack of worth, or confidence, or the compounding of so many things that you just GIVE IN.
Of course – THE 3 I’s are everything.
You cannot separate them from each other. Inspiration leads to ideas and ideas without implementation are a dime a dozen, meaningless and a waste of time.
YOU have to put yourself in a position of FORCED PROGRESS or structured implementation…and when you are inspired enough and hungry for results and the goals you have committed to – you can’t lose.
Finally…almost every ‘failure’ in life, every short coming, all the times when you SABOTAGE yourself or you let others do the same is because you have not prepared your subconscious mind for the ACCEPTANCE of SUCCESS.
There is no separation in life between Prosperity Mindset and Your Deserve Level and Your Attraction of the energy and momentum to keep going and BELIEVE that you will achieve what you want.
I have made Wealth Attraction and Prosperity Mindset an obsessive study and to be blunt, I wouldn’t turn to anyone else other than me for advice, guidance, and method or strategy to force dramatic change and alter YOUR REALITY when it comes to this.
There are people and books who preach about it, all valuable, and then there are those who implement and DO it, live it, PRACTICE it in their lives.
One of my inspiration for Positive Mindset and being at one with achievement and prosperity and all the things that Lead to PEAK PERFORMANCE is my dear friend Lee Milteer.
Lee has created some extraordinary materials that help people in this area and many others. Perhaps the most amazing transformation that occurs through Lee is her ability to AFFECT the people beneath you with these things.
The customers your serve or the people who support your business, team, or organization. She has successfully developed and run an involved and comprehensive program call Millionaire Smarts ® for year with some of the top Marketers and Business Leaders in the World.
Recently I have joined forces with Lee to bring this program to many other industries and people who are ONLY as strong as their weakest link.
No matter how you maximize your Thinking and develop Wealth Attraction, your Employees, Customers, Constituents also need this information – if they don’t have it – they can sabotage your grandest efforts.
If you’d like more information about the Millionaire Smarts ® program or strategies, the importance of, and methods to install Prosperity Mindset and Wealth Attraction into your Life and Organization just respond back to this message and we’ll be happy to share any appropriate information for your situation.
1st – Time
2nd – Acceptance of Mediocrity
3rd – Inspiration, Ideas, Implementation
4th – Prosperity and Abundance or Deserve Levels
I want to emphasize this and I want you to take it very seriously…
THE NUMBER ONE THING that affects all of these is when you give in to doing
trivial, minute, nothing-ness tasks that sabotage all four of battles you fight on a daily basis. If you fill your life with the un-important, with the things less than the highest and best use of your time and abilities, you are doomed. Period.
Your responsibility is to align yourself to do what only YOU can do and therefore maximizing every area of your life.
Now…the good news…for Halloween, next week, I’m going to give you a specific gameplan on how to fight these demons and win in every area of your life.
Next week. The trick is on everyone else – you will have spells to conquer your fears and evil spirits of you life that distract and deter you from being your best – all the time – and that take you away from WHAT IS REALLY POSSIBLE – from YOUR GREATEST POTENTIAL.
Be afraid, be very afraid, until NEXT WEEK – when I give you everything you need to take your success to the next level and
Win the battle against your time
Never give in or accept less than what you truly deserve
How to always always always find inspiration, get ideas, and implement for results
Most importantly, become a Master of Abundance Mentality and live a life of Prosperity and watch how much more effortless getting everything you want becomes.
Open up your Goody Bag for a whole bunch of Life and Businesses most valuable TREATS for The Entrepreneur – that will last a lifetime.
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