13 Weeks: The Mad Dash to Money
October 2nd, 2014 // 4:16 pm @ Scott Manning

You have two choices, from now until the end of the Year…
To let it coast on out and mark it up to another year in the life and take what comes your way;
Or to buckle down and hit the gas pedal and do the most with what you’ve got.
It’s always an interesting test of commitment and priority in an Entrepreneur’s life based on what they do with the LAST 3 Months of the Year.
Way too many people let the end of the year get away from them.
Instead of looking at it for what it is: 25%
Let me ask you…
Would you remove the working hours from your day? Usually 25+% of the time and still be able to be successful.
Would you order your dinner at the restaurant and slide ¼ of it off into the trash.
Would you willingly waste $25 out of every $100, or $25,000 out of every $100,000 or $250,000 out of every $1,000,000.
Hell No.
What would your life be like if you took 25% OFF THE TOP of your Annual Goals…for most of you that is your PROFIT, the GRAVY, the icing on the cake as I like to call it.
And so should the end of the year be.
The last 3 months, for Winners, is a race to the finish.
It’s the chance to run up the score, to set the records.
I would think anyone reading this (if you’ve been following me for any length of time) you know about my philosophy I call THE ART OF ACCELERATION
And my method of condensing 12 months into 12 weeks: Living a Year in a Quarter.
Here’s the most important question to ask yourself right now –
WHAT COULD YOU ACCOMPLISH right now, in the next 90-days, that would make 2014 the best year of your life – what would make you FINISH STRONG, and position yourself for the best start to next year.
YOU WILL START – pretty much the way you finish – the last 3 months dictates the first 3 months. They are linked together.
Coast, squander, waste these and you’ll get a slow sluggish struggle of a start to ramp up into 2015.
So, honest conversation –
Last week I was inundated with responses to my TOP 10 Questions and I do have some winners…I will be announcing them in the next 10 days or so. Thank you for so many responses, I finally made it through all of them yesterday.
I’m excited to report the ambition that was written out and verbalized by so many.
Here’s the reality however…
As of yesterday OCTOBER 1st –
You should be 75% of your way to your goals.
75% of the money you wanted to make.
The wealth you wanted to accumulate
The growth you expected and planned to have.
Your Project, Dream, Action List for 2014 – ought to be ¾ of the way to its end.
Where are you at, right now, today, on pace or off track?
Well, if you’re going strong, then keep going, don’t let up, make something happen, stretch yourself, push harder, you can’t get this one back, or any other for that matter.
If you’re running behind – it’s not too late – think about it – for you Football Fans, you’ve got 1 quarter left, hey, the games are won in the final quarter.
As I explained last week, it’s all about SELF-REFLECTION and taking an honest assessment at where you are at compared to where you want to be.
And good news – I’m here to help.
I have long been known for my approach to “the Annual Plan” for your business development and beginning with a Blueprint to orchestrate and reverse engineer your success.
I have decided to do something a bit different this year.
I’m going to host a Group Blueprint Planning Session for 2015 sort of like a hybrid Mastermind where we layout an aggressive “Best Year of Your Life Plan” for your business in 2015 and included in that a unique Finish 2014 Strong Accountability Execution that I’ll work with individually.
Private Clients get first shot, but I would imagine 6-8 slots being opened up for general membership. If you would like to inquire or talk through your options, please email Diana directly at Diana@MillionDollarMethods.com and I’ll have her send you over the outline for this special and unique group experience.
Our Mastermind should take place mid-Nov or early-Dec and the accountability for 2014 will occur immediately.
Please understand, your objective should be at minimum to generate an extra $100,000 in the next 90-days and growth in income/revenue in the 30-50% increase for 2015, minimum, I’d prefer people with the ambition of Doubling your overall business or direct net income next year.
With or without me, make the most of the next 13 weeks. There is no other way to play, than to play to win.
Hints, Tips, Tricks, Insights coming next week – Happy October everyone.
Category : Blog