Defining (and Achieving) True Independence
July 2nd, 2014 // 11:40 am @ Scott Manning
Every year around this time I write about embracing your independence. It is the time of year we celebrate the sacrifices made to keep our country free and give you the rights and choices to pursue your ideas, dreams, and ambitions.
During the current state of affairs, with increasing regulation and corruption, it may become more difficult to realize and acknowledge and truly appreciate your freedom and independence.
Please stand strong in your conviction to this country (or whatever country you are calling home). I know my readers represent at least a dozen countries, countless cultures and religious beliefs, and literally thousands of different ways to earn a living and achieve independence in all areas of your life.
I have always said the greatest way you can honor those that came before you and fought for your ability to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, is to take those word’s seriously, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” – it is yours for the taking.
Today I want to emphasize the real enemy is not those that try to minimalize you or even take away your independence – the enemy is ourselves who let’s someone have power of us.
True independence begins as everything else in life does…
Inside of your own mind.
It begins as idea and belief of what’s possible.
Independence takes the shape of your own personal goals and objectives for life, your purposes and passions you work for.
No one can take away your independence other than yourself, no one has power of you unless you give it away to them.
Every day you wake up, you have the same choices to make, will you use today to further your own independence – and then to follow that statement with actions that lead to your goals.
Last week I hosted a 2-Day Mastermind Event and I began by asking them what I believe is the most important question of all…
“What does Independence mean to You?”
In other words, why are you working, what do you stand for, what is your business about?
Here’s a certain guarantee for you – if you don’t have your independence clearly defined you won’t achieve it, enjoy the process of creating it, or even be able to identify it.
You see – above all else the independence we have been given is the right, ability, and means of pursuing and achieving Independence based on the definition that we give to it.
Let not anyone else tell you what it should mean – NO. It is yours to have and do whatever you wish with and for.
Just know this, it is also You who determines how much of it you have.
You set your own hours.
You determine your prices.
You choose your own customers and employees.
You pick your business and industry.
You are in control.
To me, no matter who you are or what you do, defining your own independence is the first and most important key to actually having it.
I challenge you to do this TODAY. Celebrate your country’s Independence whenever it is by making sure you have your own State of Independence and Life Plan figured out. This should be a beautiful exercise in self-actualization and true goal and life planning.
Define your independence.
Design your path to get there.
Devote yourself unconditionally.
This is about creating your ultimate lifestyle and I stand firmly saying there is no other reason to go through the pain of entrepreneurship, the war that exists everyday to be and stay an independent business owner unless you are doing exactly this.
You cannot have what you do not clearly define.
And stop worrying about people who judge you because they haven’t taken the responsibility to earn the right or take the sacrifices to create the ability to achieve their own personal independence.
Now – if you want to know the secret of all secrets to having everything you want in life and living a life and operating a business with complete independence, financial wealth, and a liberated lifestyle –
I’m going to tell you.
Above all else, if you want to have everything you want in life…
Then start now by practicing Independence by being Free
Free from Excuses.
Our Society has become one big never ending constant excuse for why things are the way they are or why things can’t happen, and all of this is designed to enable the “average person” justification of staying under the control of other people.
Not You.
You have no excuse and will not let anything stand in your way.
It is worth traveling to the highest mountain peak or diving to the depths of the ocean of doing whatever it takes to achieve your definition of independence because it’s sweet, so good, and what this life is supposed to be made of.
Be independent from all excuses and soon you will find yourself living the life you really want to live liberated from all things, helping and giving of yourself to other people, and reaping the rewards you deserve of the lifestyle you have chose, created and designed.
I believe ‘this’ is the way to best Celebrate Independence Day, every day.
Enjoy the Holiday Week with your family and whatever you do, don’t wake up next week without Your own definition – of YOUR Independence!
Category : Blog