What Matters Most
May 1st, 2014 // 2:28 pm @ Scott Manning

Over the past couple weeks I have delivered a unique presentation called “8 Big Money Breakthroughs” it is about aligning the Super Hero Powers that exist within your business to create maximum profit and accelerate your growth.
It is intense, powerful, and incredibly provocative, if I do say so myself.
I’ve proven this by more than 65% of every single person who has participated has committed to integrating these 8 Super Powers into their business and literally reshape or re-engineer their business into both what they dream and wish it to be, and the vehicle that will actually deliver their desired results.
You see the single most significant reason an Entrepreneur doesn’t reap the rewards, earn the income, get rich from their business and achieve all expectations they have set out to achieve, is because the business is not structured in a way that it can, even at peak performance, deliver these results.
Most people never take time to step back and look at their business, globally and then construct it to be the “dream house” they envision instead they settle for someone else’s cookie cutter approach or template.
If I were to describe in one phrase what I do for people it is… ”business/lifestyle design” creating congruency between the two and orchestrating a life and business that work together to give you the results you want, the money you deserve, and the freedom to enjoy the process.
I have decided to take these 8 Super Powers and my most prized presentation and deliver it online in the coming weeks. I am going to do this to an exclusive group of entrepreneurs as a test case of actually providing facilitation of the break through strategies and structured concepts into your business.
If you are interested in participating in this case study experiment, please reply back to this email, describe your business as it is today and how you would envision it in a perfect work 6-12 months from now, if there were no limitations, no obstacles, no rules for you or your goals and objectives.
In addition to this, if you wish to jump the line, expedite the process and have me personally hold your hand through all 8 Super Powers and provide you with break throughs immediately in one day, if you make the cut, you could earn a seat in one of my Mastermind Hotseat Experiences, a boutique event that I have organized to help you get where you want to go faster than you have ever thought possible.
You are entitled to a private interview with me if you would like to be considered.
Finally, today, I leave you with “what matters most” in your life – your business – and its not for me to decide, rather it is for you to know, to decide, and then to embrace these things.
You need the list.
What is important, what matters, who, what, when, where, and above all else – WHY.
Once you have this established then we have a base line to build your business backwards to make it fit into the parameters you have set to keep it in line with, and the principles you want to live by.
This is the only type of business worth having.
My big money breakthroughs will get you to where you want to be, they provide the ultimate liberation and independence from all things, complete autonomy is possible when you design the business to make it so.
Think about this – all people have equal time.
The richest and the poorest, the happiest and the most sad.
Life based on time is equal. Except you don’t know when yours runs out, so, make the most of it, accept nothing less than what you really want to be doing, earning, enjoying, experiencing, building, living.
And on top of that, make time work for you through leverage, maximize your time by doing things that are significant.
Fill your time with things that matter, with your list, and demand from yourself to have a business that supports that, not that hampers, deters, or detracts from it.
I wish the best for you and encourage you to expect and demand the best for yourself. I love this little phrase…
MAKE IT HAPPEN – words of action, responsibility, possibility…
You, can make it happen, but will you?! I say yes.
And I’m here to help.
Category : Blog