Live, From An Island In The Sun
January 29th, 2014 // 4:51 pm @ Scott Manning
One thing that is constant is their value on hard work and everyone’s focused around money.
What I’d would like to remind you about today is – no matter where you live, no matter what you do, you can’t control the weather but you can control your own economy.
Yes, you absolutely get to decide how rich you will be and how hard you will have to work to get there.
Here in this country where you go from third world to first class; where literally around the corner you find people capitalistically profiting and conducting business and building wealth through leverage, systems, innovation and you have others working 18 hours a day just about every single day to bring home just enough food for their family to eat.
Same people, same country, same environment, different economies.
Of course there are these examples as extreme in the United States in big cities, in small towns, some choose to profit some choose to be the source of others profit.
The big difference with you is, you know the difference, you know how to do both, you have the tools, resources, powers to make whatever you want happen.
More than a decade ago I plotted my way out of the “nightly” teaching of martial arts for a decent wage to leveraging my knowledge and experience to help others profit. Now I have my own systems, income streams, build them for others, and earn roughly 100x per any given working hour, if not more, than what I did just 10 years ago.
For others, they could earn 1000’s times.
The point is I found leverage, I fought to be in control to breakthrough any limitations I had, all which were imposed by my own beliefs or the industry, geography, economy I choose to live in and operate under.
One of the most memorable things I ever heard my friend Dan Kennedy say when I listened to my very first CD’s was people are always complaining about where they live and yet in every case, in every city, you can drive your car to the edge of town and there are big green signs with arrows that tell you how to get out and they will take you wherever you want to go.
I work with more and more entrepreneurs from around the world, whose countries I have never visited, people in the United States reach out to me every day for whom I’ve never met. There are not boundaries to what I do. I am no different than you, our possibilities are the same.
One of the most important things to my brother was the ability to live anywhere and to not have to interact regularly (or at all) with people, he hasn’t been to a meeting in years, he has zero requirement to meet or talk with anyone on the phone. He has complete autonomy.
I want to be anywhere in the world that I want to be, such as the Dominican Republic, next month Chicago, Tampa, maybe Canada, a few months from now I will get married and go on a honeymoon that I have no idea where it will take me.
The best part about that is, my work will go with me, my clients at my side.
I help create for others what I have for myself.
To me this is the best, highest achievement and culmination of a career and business. Achieving the lifestyle you want while contributing and helping others whether it is through your products and services for your customers, being a coach or a consultant, or just an industry leader. Regardless of your chosen path it doesn’t so much matter how much money you make, rather how you make the money.
For me, for you, for the people I work with it should always be about liberation and breaking through limitations. In other words, Autonomy is Everything.
Your homework today goes like this
1: Describe your ideal day and how you want to be making money, what you don’t want to do, what you do want to do (sometimes the “don’t” list is easier to make) and describe where you want to be doing this at.
2: What are the things that need to happen to move you from where you are now to where you want to be…to reach this ideal.
3: What are limitations you are imposing on yourself, what are the limitations or other restrictive things that are there because of where you live, how you do what you do, what the government says about it, how it is customary to do business in your industry – – – are these things real, insurmountable, or illusions of control.
You get to wake up tomorrow and live the life that you have designed and allowed to happen.
Good news – if you like it, congratulations; if you don’t, you can change it!
I closed a couple deals this week (and it’s only Wednesday), welcomed a few new consulting clients, have more leads in the pipeline and projects going than any other time in my life. And I get to look at the ocean, lay in the sun, and decide where I am sitting when I type this message. It wouldn’t matter which island I picked. It’s about the blueprint of the business and the systems you have for getting where you want to be.
It’s about choosing to create your own economy.
There’s a favorite saying of ours when we see people who might be or have more than what we do at any given point in time…don’t envy them, join them.
And that is my goal each and every week, there’s no profit in envy or worse yet taking my message as bragging, rather in using the tools, ideas, resources you have available to you, including the ones I give you and figuring out how to do, get, be more better faster at what you do, at what you want out of life.
Regardless of the weather, tomorrow, you get to wake up and be in control of everything else.
Live the life you want and prosper doing it!
P.S. Something you may have missed is that I provide this exact solution to my readers and followers on this weekly message, if you find a difference between your ideal and your reality and/or you have limitations you are struggling to get past, I give complimentary strategy calls a few each month I give away… you can get in line for yours by going here to this page and filling out the questionnaire.
and while you are there, take a look at some of the new videos and success stories we posted from my alumni event in December
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