A Business Evolution: How to Get More Out of Your Business!
August 8th, 2013 // 12:12 pm @ Scott Manning
What is the point of living, doing business, making money, anything really without maximizing it. Yes, I am a bit of an extremist and attempt to get the most out of everything. And I say you deserve everything you want. So for your business, how exactly do you do that?
Maximize your success and profits…without selling out on your life.
I’m going to tell you right now. It happens with what I call Million Dollar Methods.
12, in total, specific methods that tie everything in your business together to result in one maximizing formula for success. These methods, while working better altogether are able to be executed individually for specific results to specific things in your business. However, when you apply them as your business building foundation you will experience an overriding and driving force in your business that allows it to take shape without you having to do anything other operate it.
After over a decade of being in the trenches with my own entrepreneurial endeavors and coaching directly (and through others) 1000’s of business owners, I decided that it was time for entrepreneurs and business owners to have a set proven formula for success that would do two things…
One, make their business more profitable.
Two, maximize the value of their time and effort.
And most importantly do this without having to constantly recreate the wheel or constantly be second guessing themselves.
You see the reason most people don’t achieve giant breakthroughs and never go beyond the “high paid income” position to a position of wealth creation from their businesses (many never even achieve high paid income), is because they are never follow, work from, install a system to maximize their efforts.
They get a group of customers sell them something, forget about them, go on to something else, try a new way to get customers, decide to sell them something different, play around with price points, change their message, and on and on… and every single month, sometimes week they are shooting at a different target like a starving hunter in the woods who goes in for a moose and comes out with a squirrel. They have no plan specifically to achieve their stated goals and objectives.
There is no maximizing efforts, time, or relationships (the relationships that make it up and make it possible).
This constant changing of all the wrong things keeps you from being able to change the things that do matter that you should in fact be change (such as adding products, services, marketing approaches, new opportunities, etc.).
Because you never last long enough at the building of the foundation of your business to be able to make any of those other things worthwhile.
These, my methods, change all of that once and for all. I call them Million Dollar Methods for one very simple and blunt reason, they are your Business Formula for creating a million dollar business blueprint that works day in and day out every week month and year, adding millions on top of millions if you wish, but certainly obtaining your first million and sustaining it.
Anyone can hit a seven figure business with crazy dying effort and a little bit of luck. But not many build a sustainable business model that replicates itself and repeats results without you having to do anything thing different. Those that do have a system, a model, a foundation, they have million dollar methods.
It so happens that I am conducting my first Million Dollar Methods Live one-day Business Blueprint Workshop in September (details to come) and you should keep your eyes peeled because it’s going to be an unprecedented event that will literally change the framework of your business like never before. You will walk away wondering how you ever even existed as a business owner without this formula; without my 12 Million Dollar Methods for Building Your Business
You will not want to miss this event. The first 25 registrations will receive incredible bonus resources and VIP seating and access, you can get on the waiting list for this, to be notified first by replying to this email. Details to come next week.
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The registration for this event will be less than $100 and possibly free for you, should you respond, and because you are reading my weekly email messages you will be rewarded. The point of this event is not to generate money from registration rather it is allowing me to create and record a unique Million Dollar Methods Online Training Program that I will be using for Entrepreneurs around the world. You get a chance to be there live and get the benefits of the live event.
Now, enough with the commercial message, I want to tell you specifically about the 12 methods so you can get a better idea what to expect and what you can start shaping your mind around now.
These 12 methods break down into 4 categories. All related to aspects of your business that everything else is tied to. It is about Maximizing each category in your business so they work together to multiply your results and enable you to leverage and create a real business with a foundation for growth.
The four categories are, as they will be presented to you next month:
Getting What You Deserve – Maximizing Your Profit
Doing Business on Your Terms – Maximizing Your Time
Building Volume – Maximizing Your Relationships
Multiplying Your Revenues – Maximizing Your Efforts
You see I believe that your business should first be built around your life priority and philosophy. Your business and personal endeavors can’t be completely separately to the point that they don’t all interconnect in terms of your energy. That is why each of these categories and methods that go with them relate to both personal and business aspects.
You have never looked at your business, thought about your life, and created systems that will make you money before, not like this, not all together, and never ever (I guarantee it) taken time to build a foundation that will deliver to you million dollar results.
Whether you are successful, as per your own definition now or not, these methods will create a business environment that will allow you to thrive and grow and create the leverage you deserve.
When you isolate each component of production in your business, profits, relationships, time, and your effort you will realize how disconnected each of them are in your life now.
This week (if you prefer to receive the full details of this extraordinary event, specific to you, your business, your goals and objectives), I want you to make a list of each of the four items I have listed.
How do you make a profit, what do you sell, what are your bottom dollar margins on these things, how are you profiting and creating income for yourself from your business.
Who are all the people, sources of influence, and relationships that make up your business that you are leveraging well (or not so well) that have an impact on your business, how are they each connected to you, to your business, to your customer, to each other?
This is the big one…
what on earth are you doing with all of your time… obviously not working productively, maximizing every thing you do because you would be making a helluva lot more money if that were the case. What do you do with your time, what are the biggest areas of investment you make with your time, how much are they worth to you, why are you not more productive, what wastes your time the most, etc. Take a hard look at it and be honest and clear so we can align you properly and leverage and maximize.
You will make MORE from LESS after I am through with you.
Finally…and this can be a bit of a repeat from any of the above, but look it at from a different standpoint, what efforts are you making, learning, doing, implementing, what are you actually “doing” to make money, to grow your business, to operate for success and profits… are your efforts maximized, are they repeated, are they giving you the return you want.
You, as owner and entrepreneur, what is your job description as it is now, is that the best use of You? Who else exerts effort on your behalf to make you money, repeat the same thing for them.
You see, or at least you should start seeing, how all of these items tie together and create a foundation for success for you, for your business, and if they are aligned with a rock solid million dollar method business building foundation you can build a skyscraper. If you ignore these fundamental aspects, will build your structure on quick sand, always fighting to get higher up but yet you are just staying at the same level. It’s the difference between a treadmill (running fast but standing still) and a sports car on the open road; running hard to go nowhere or speeding effortlessly forward going wherever you want.
That’s what Million Dollar Methods for Building your Business will be like for you, that’s what installing my systems and methods to maximize the four core categories of your business and life will be like.
Prepare for an evolutionary way of being an entrepreneur, making money, building a business.
As stated early I am conducting my first Million Dollar Methods Live one-day Business Blueprint Workshop in September, details to come, and you should keep your eyes peeled because it’s going to be an unprecedented event that will literally change the framework of your business like never before. You will walk away wondering how you ever even existed as a business owner without this formula without my 12 Million Dollar Methods for Building Your Business
You will not want to miss this event. The first 25 registrations will receive incredible bonus resources and VIP seating and access, you can get on the waiting list for this, to be notified first by replying to this email. Details to come next week.
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The registration for this event will be less than $100 and possibly free for you, should you respond, and because you are reading my weekly email messages you will be rewarded. The point of this event is not to generate money from registration rather it is allowing me to create and record a unique Million Dollar Methods Online Training Program that I will be using for Entrepreneurs around the world. You get a chance to be there live and get the benefits of the live event.
Category : Blog