12 Methods for Millions
August 15th, 2013 // 11:19 am @ Scott Manning

Have you ever played a board game? Of course, right, don’t you just love those. I do. Which is your favorite? I love Scrabble, Clue is fun, but there are others, obviously Monopoly… traditional games however have you start at a certain point and roll dice and move forward so many spaces until the end.
My brother and I loved to play Trouble, we had this one cool game called Mousetrap. And Sorry is a classic. What about puzzles, paint by number, chess?
Okay, my point is coming, what about this question, have you ever put together a toy or a piece of furniture, have you ever read the instructions step by step for anything?
The answer to all of these is of course, yes. And my point is this…
Do you ever wish that Your Business was like one of these activities… where there is an obvious next move, an obvious plan, path, step, direction to go in. Do you wish you had a blueprint, a gameplan, a set of instructions that told you exactly what to do to WIN. Better yet, imagine if you had a special magic crystal ball if something was out of balance or not working right, not making you the money you want, not converting the leads you have, etc.
What if you had something you could shake up and look at and it would tell you exactly where you are going wrong, where you are missing a piece, or what number you need to roll to get where you want to go.
That blueprint is the key to everything in your business, because it allows you to focus on what you are best out, what got you into business to begin with. It allows you to focus and to make money without distraction of anything else.
The most important thing a blueprint gives you is
A guiding light that answers the question of what’s next for you so you don’t have to, so you can know that you are headed the right direction.
Call it a blueprint, call it a plan, call it a roadmap… whatever you want to call it, you need one.
The thing is, about business, it is a formula, a science, a set structured methods for making money, serving your customers, and creating value for yourself and those you interact with.
The only thing that changes is what you deliver for the money. The formula doesn’t change, the method of making money doesn’t change, the model you operate your business from is the same.
Do you know it…do you have a model?
Most people would say no. They have random acts of marketing that sometimes makes money. And really it would be more concisely described as random acts of talking to people that some times results in money. Very few people have a specific blueprint, a board game with a clear path to follow.
Until now.
Until Million Dollar Methods.
Before I unveil to you the 12 specific spaces on the game board to a million dollar business model, let me reemphasize the importance of this.
Taking away all the guess work, all the trial and error, all the indecision, all the wasted money… everything that doesn’t work, forever and for good… that is what will result from you placing you and your business on the Million Dollar Methods Gameboard for Business Success.
Now that is powerful.
Because… It gives you more autonomy, more time with your family, more money for all things important to you. When you eliminate unnecessary frustration, things that don’t work before you waste time trying them, you add hours to your day and profit to your pay.
It is that simple.
You can’t understand the difference until you experience it, intimately, at my one-day Million Dollar Methods for Building Your Business Workshop and Event. September 14th, live, with me, customizing your plan for your business. Jam packed content and interactive training to take the guesswork out of your business once and for all.
Just like aligning wheels on a car, or your hands on a golf club, it will just feel right, it will feel different and better, smooth. As I told you last week it will be like cruising in a high end sports car effortlessly hitting top speeds (income) and hugging the curves (opportunities) taking you places you could only have imagined, seen in magazines and on TV, that will finally be your destiny.
I shared with you the four categories of business development.
Your Time
Your Effort
Your Relationships
Your Profit
Now I will give you the list of the 12 blueprints you will walk away with when you join me on September 14, we will rebuild your business, without any work on your part, completely and align your vehicle for success and wealth to be performing at optimal levels.
The lesson for this week is simple, you must have a core foundational strategy and SYSTEM for all 12 of these methods for building your business…they are required, like the parts of your car and the organs in your body, for you to make what you want happen.
1) Pricing Power, becoming the Premium Provider and creating wealth from Money Math in your business.
2) Creating more value and customer opportunity, increases profits, and installing transaction pyramids.
3) Maximizing Customer Revenue, tricks to sales levels, add-on services or products, bundle/package anything.
4) Reverse Marketing, identifying the right Target market of those people YOU want to do business with and crafting attraction methods and strategies to get them to come to you.
5) Advanced Automatic Sales System, qualify strategies, painless sales process for maximum and fast profit.
6) Marketing Illusion, Customer Experience, and Making it easy to give you money.
7) Building your two-tier herd, stocking your pond, and creating guaranteed sales now and in the future.
8) The Magic of the Referral Culture, how to train your customers to be your Salesforce, creating raving fans who refer consistently and repeatedly.
9) The most powerful business growth strategy, the hidden business within your business, and how to establish an underground immediate marketing platform to double your business year after year.
10) Accelerating wealth building and business growth, fast ways to raise capital, and get money to expand, market, and dominate your competition.
11) Creating residual income and long term wealth with resell strategies and continuity business models. The easiest addition to your business customers are secretly begging you to sell them.
12) Big Money Business Tactics, how to successful enter the most lucrative business on earth in as little as 30 days and make six figures fast.
Now, if that list of Million Dollar Methods doesn’t excite you (nothing will) then probably your business doesn’t either…and that’s a bad sign.
Category : Blog