7 Ways To Get an Edge Up on the Competition
June 12th, 2013 // 11:53 am @ Scott Manning

Last week we talked about the 3 ways to differentiate yourself. And I talked about what I call the “Obvious” Differentiator factor. Meaning that however you are different, in the customers eyes, it has to be obvious.
I explained that this is the way to out market the competition, to have higher price points, get more referrals and heck, it’s the way to have more fun. When your business is unique and different you’ll feel that in all that you do.
There is nothing more important, especially in a competitive marketplace, than standing out and carving a niche in the industry and/or market where you can be THE BIG FISH, the dominator, the one everybody knows.
***Do you think you are a big fish now, or would you like to be?!***
If you think you are (or want to become) then I have a challenge for you. This month I’m doing a special seminar in Indianapolis, where you have the opportunity to take part in our BIG FISH Contest. You can present your business, growth ideas, and aspirations and possibly win The BIG FISH Contest where you’ll receive a $25,000 marketing, consulting, and implementation package to accelerate your business development.
Plus I’ll personally help you to find and/or raise capital, if you need it, to speed up your growth, eliminate the need to slowly move along. I have very specific capital infusion tactics that I teach and actually do for my Private Clients; and you’ll receive full access.
You can register for the upcoming seminar and apply for eligibility for the Big Fish Contest here:
And it’s worth your time because you’ll get valuable promotion (free publicity) and you’ll learn so much about your business just by participating in the Contest. Everyone will receive resources just for your effort.
Now, as I was saying and picking up from last week, there is another kind of “being different” or differentiation that is on the business side, internally, not on the marketing and selling side where you interact with your customers or clients. They of course over lap and one affects the other, but, this type of differentiation is about changing something in your business to give yourself more of a competitive advantage.
So, you can be or do something different with your customers that they notice and that makes you stand apart, what we discussed last week – and now – also, you can alter something internally so you can stack the deck in your favor.
The quick and easy way to figure this out is to answer any or all of the three following questions:
1. What do you not like about your business, what is time consuming, what is burdensome, what holds you back on a daily basis.
2. What do you know holds you back in your business, the modus operandi that is the NORM that everyone else in your industry does that you see as an impediment to overall progress…
3. What do you see the most successful people in your industry doing, how have they changed to stand out more, what can you learn from other industries that inspire you or that you can relate to your concept.
These three questions sometimes are obvious and easy; sometimes they require deep thought and even more tedious follow through – however it is always worth it. The short list of fast ways to get an edge up on the competition and differentiate yourself are:
1. Sell to a specific niche, specialize
2. Sell in a different environment than anyone else, go where they are not, market in a vacuum
3. Align with joint ventures, others who have your customer
4. Find ways to raise your prices and charge more, sell at the top of the market or at least bundle so you can spend more on marketing than anyone else
5. Change the end results or benefit that the customer gets, find alternative uses for your product or service who does it serve better, making price irrelevant (refer back to number 1)
6. Install a guarantee that is bolder and more aggressive, sell by challenge
7. Think about how people buy from you, example, deliver movies in-store to movies through the mail to movies on the internet etc, discover how can you adapt
This should give you some things to think about. There are four very powerful and significant ways to differentiate and establish authority in order to gain domination over your market place. These four big ones is what I’m going to teach this month at our Marketing Summit – they will blow your mind in two ways, how effective/profitable they will be and how easy they are to execute.
But, you’ve never thought of them, that’s a promise, and certainly not all four. If you do these things you will automatically become THE BIG FISH to your customers and all around your marketplace – join me for the Summit, click here: http://www.
And don’t forget to register yourself for the Big Fish Contest, see if you have what it takes to win!
Category : Blog