Ignore This Tenent of Email Marketing
September 5th, 2012 // 2:35 pm @ Million Dollar Methods

It was November of 2011 and I was frustrated, and to be completely honest – scared.
Our private clients were investing big bucks in us, in part to manage their online marketing campaigns. Up until that point I was able to make satisfactory conversions through email marketing, even with the consistent decline of opens and click throughs.
But on that particular day, I failed – and I knew if I didn’t discover a new way of getting subscribers’ attention, we might have to forget email altogether.
The eventuality I had been trying to overlook was now a cold hard fact…
The old way of email marketing is downright broken.
But don’t worry – I come bearing more than just bad news you already knew.
I cracked the code – after months of development, testing, and re-engineering, I have created a guaranteed way to fix your email marketing, bring back your competitive edge, regain your customers’ attention, and of course multiply the sales resulting from your email marketing efforts.
I abandoned what every guru recommended, I turned my back on what every other email marketer had adopted. I started ADDING High-Converting Graphics to email messages and all of the possibilities that offers. That’s right, not just HTML but images, graphics, banners, and social media.
The next Secret Used by the Marketing Masters: EmailAdditives – a toolbox that turn existing, static, stale emails into attention-dominating, action-inducing, purchase-triggering fuel for your online marketing.
EmailAdditives are: REAL TIME, CUSTOMIZED, PERSONALIZED, and RELEVANT Content for Email
Check It Out: http://www.EmailAdditives.com
Category : Blog