Even THEY Ask for Your Email
August 15th, 2012 // 2:24 pm @ Million Dollar Methods

The other day I was reminded about an online marketing debate that has since lost its footing. I am sure you remember. It was the declaration that email marketing was dead, its life cut short by the constricting growth of social media.
If you didn’t hear much about this, it was basically the idea that people were spending more time on Facebook, Twitter, and the like; and that email messages were not only ignored but completely devalued.
I of course denied such trend and scoffed at the idea that real marketers could make their point in 140 characters.
Recently, this came up again when I saw an article about the number of young kids who preferred communicating with friends through social media instead of email.
But the irony of it all – you can’t get a Facebook account without an email address. You can’t sign up with your phone number, your ssn, your bank account – nope only the mainstay of the internet – your email address.
Even more ironic – Twitter announced early summer that you could now receive a Weekly Email Digest that highlights tweets from those you follow.
So, why do these ‘New Media’ platforms still rely on emails, why hasn’t someone come up with an alternative, why would Twitter want you in your inbox instead of on Twitter?
Basically, why is Email Marketing still king?
1. Control: There are relatively no restrictions in email marketing. You can style it to match your website, you can write as little or as much as you please, you can automate until you’re blue in the face. Its YOUR media, YOUR platform
2. Content: Email content comes in many forms, everything from basic plain text, all the way to one image. Of course, a nice mix is best. But its up you. With the adoption of HTML email, you can just about insert any content you want.
3. Segmentation: Slice and dice your list to get just those folks who will find your message relevant. It’s not an all-or-nothing proposition. This means you can send more messages by excluding those who won’t find it appropriate.
4. Personalization: The real power of email marketing – you can tailor your message to each reader embedding personal data that lets the reader know you are talking to HIM/HER (and not whole universe).
5. Delivery: Its one of the few (if not only) true ways to force communication online. Your subscribers either have to read it or delete it. Direct marketing online – you can’t beat it.
6. Adoption: Since you can’t even get a social media account without email – just about anyone & everyone has it. If they’ve got money to buy what you’re selling, you can get an email address. Add-in the fact that most mobile devices pre-load an email app, and we can reach anyONE anyWHERE.
These are the elements of email marketing, you still need the correct tools and proper execution. For example, your content doesn’t do much if no one subscribes to your list.
I’ll be sharing some email marketing tips over the next few weeks to ensure it not only remains the king with online communication, but the king of your sales generation.
Now, I am sure there are some who feel I am wrong, and that email is nearing the end of its reign. But I don’t expect many rebuttals since, after all, they did read my email.
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