How Fast Tides Can Turn…
October 8th, 2008 // 1:50 pm @ Scott Manning
Oh, how fast tides can turn…
But, you’ve got to be rowing for it to make any difference.
I have been hoping for an opportunity to write about the Indianapolis Colts and honestly, I figured it was going to be in a much more gloomy and disheartening light…thank goodness for little favors and the outcome of Sundays Game.
There are several lessons to be learned, first my comments.
Now, I’d imagine not a player on the team would admit what was really going into there head when Houston scored that last touchdown, I think at the onset of the fourth quarter or end of the third. I wouldn’t admit it either. And maybe I’m wrong, but you’ve got to know they were down on their luck, feeling well, pretty lousy.
And they probably, if they thought they still had a chance, didn’t know who it heck they were going to do it.
Perhaps the most important thing after last week’s game was Coach Dungy’s comments afterwards, “That is the way to win football games!” And he’s right, and certainly it could be a “game changer” for the whole season.
Bottom line and lesson number one:
It doesn’t matter that they won the Super Bowl just 2 years ago…it was over the day the next season started. The Patriots winning streak and undefeated season was over and hasn’t been mentioned since the Giants won.
In business and life, it’s the same, successes are felt for seconds, failures and tough times live on.
Which means there’s only one way to do it – keep playing – keep fighting – keep working – keep innovating – keep marketing…
It doesn’t matter the outcome of last week, last month, last year, even the last sale, whether you won it or lost it. It only matters what you do with the next play, the next set of downs, the next game – for you, the next sale, the next customers, the next campaign, the next week, month, quarter, and the coming year.
The Colts won that game because THEY KEPT PLAYING! They didn’t have a chance in hell, but they weren’t down there, they were in their own little world. As you may have heard, there was only one other team to come back and score that many points in the remaining minutes of the game, one other team, the 2003 Indianapolis Colts!
Of course, I’m biased. But Facts are Facts. And behaviors are behaviors.
Next lesson – it only takes ONE play to change the game. In the case of the Colts win on Sunday, it took 3 touchdowns, but each with ONLY One Play changing the direction, the tempo, the behavior.
In your business, no matter where you are right now, it only takes ONE shift in thinking…
In the economy, no matter how it’s affecting you right now, it only takes ONE opportunity capitalized…
In your marketing, no matter the current results or lack of any there of, it only takes ONE strategy to turn it around…
And the same goes for adding zeros to your already successful income or net worth, it only takes ONE.
I’ve written about this before, and want to make the point, as Dan Kennedy often reminds us, if success were easy, if getting rich were simple, everybody around you would be both.
So, my intention is not to water down what it takes to Win in business.
But to emphasize once again the power of ONE Idea, ONE Opportunity, ONE Strategy, ONE Resource or Connection, ONE Change in Mindset or Behavior…
You need a foundation for success and profit which is why you’re plugged into our world and taking advantage of the Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle and our local group.
And you need something like a upended quarterback and a loose ball fumble with a “Babyface Brakett” running it back for a touchdown. You’ve got to have something that is a catalyst for whatever your ‘ONE’ needs to be.
Thus, that’s why it’s more important than ever for you to attend and participate in our local GKIC Indy Chapter Meetings. I’ll personally provide the “game-changer” for your business and help you run it back for a touchdown…look if you aren’t at least a little concerned about the state of things these days, you’re not living among us, You need a strong line for defense and someone calling plays that you can have confidence and believe in. There just isn’t any sense it going it alone out there…
Just like the old saying goes, and the Colts were living proof, DEFENSE wins games – what’s your defense against scared consumers, tightening pocket books, the fear of a liberal take over in Washington, rising taxes and shrinking incomes…
Category : Blog