Weekend in Chicago!
September 3rd, 2008 // 1:44 pm @ Scott Manning

I hope this email finds you and your family doing well and that you had a nice Labor Day Weekend. Lots going on around here…the same with you, I’m sure.
Anyhow, I’m going to be brief this week with a couple funny stories to share with you again next week. For now I just want to say…
AMERICA is amazing and money is all around us!
Last weekend I was in Chicago and over Labor Day weekend in St. Louis…I’ve got to tell you – IT WAS PACKED and BUSINESS was JUMPING! Malls, Restaurants, Attractions, Traffic, you name it – sold out, lines waiting, prices premium…life is good in America!
It gets me excited to see success in action and capitalism alive and well. No doubt, you’ve got to be working hard, smart, and in all the right places, but money is there to make you rich.
Like I said last week – if you want more…DO MORE! Business is complicated, but that principle is SIMPLE and will make you rich.
I’ll share more next week…right now, I want you to do 2 things:
1. register for this months chapter meeting at www.nobsindy.com/chaptermeeting
2. take a moment and write down your plan to double your income by the end of the year – do it now, commit to it, and take action and put things in motion!
At the Chapter Meeting, I’ll be walking you through my strategy on taking new ideas and projects from idea to money and how to plan for success in your business…in terms of MONEY and keeping score. You’ll gain a whole lot of insight and different view of Entrepreneurship and how to get rich with it!
One more thing;
Last week I said I was going to pay someone you know a compliment…
That someone is YOU!
I’ve been thinking over the past month about how much fun it is to be an entrepreneur…when your surrounded by other entrepreneurs who “get it”. I can say that the recent growth of our group is not attributed to me, but to all our members, like You.
It’s amazing to feel the energy and the profit in the room at the Chapter Meetings, and the intense focus and helpful attitudes of our Mastermind Groups.
We’re fortunate to have found Planet Dan and our little piece of it in Indianapolis is rocking and rolling better than ever, more members mean more people to get ideas from, join forces with, collaborate resources, etc.
So, I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU and let you know how excited I am about the success of our GKIC Indianapolis Chapter and the things that lie ahead in the near future.
Rest assured, You’re in the right place, and you’re amongst friends who understand You.
Category : Blog