Thinning of the Herd
July 16th, 2008 // 1:37 pm @ Scott Manning

The July issue of the No B.S. Marketing Newsletter Dan Kennedy elaborates on what he calls “the thinning of the herd” – meaning that in trying times, a sluggish economy, and recessionary woes ONLY the strong survive.
And of course this is true. Some entrepreneurs I talk with are fearful and rightfully so…when you build a business based upon “immediate income” and “the next sale” and no sound marketing plan or platform you’re boat won’t stay afloat when the turbulent waves come.
On the other hand, following the most basic Glazer-Kennedy Marketing and Success strategies with consistent, evergreen marketing approaches, caring for customers, and building a fence around your heard – you have nothing to fear.
Specifically in my local Mastermind Groups we strive to take members from “Self-Employed” to “Entrepreneur” and generally in less than a year, Members will go from one or a few to several “businesses within a business”.
Businesses within a Business is not simply “multiple streams of income” which generally implies late night infomercials where the next wiz bang biz opp is available to help “diversify” your income…this is not what an Entrepreneur is about – we’re talking Dan Kennedy saying “Diversity Leads To Stability” WITHIN YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS.
Including things like, marketing, type of customers, what you sell, and various other things…
Those who diversify in there business WIN big in down times…those who build a business on the next sale and haven’t diversified within their business…well, survival, if that, is the most they’ll get.
If you haven’t already Registered for this month’s GKIC Indy Chapter Meeting where we’ll be talking about the best way to “Recession Proof” your business, selling to the Affluent, and what it means to you – you can still register
One more thing – and this is blatantly self-serving – however it’s TRUE and beneficial to You for me to repeat it…
You want to thrive in any economy, you want to get wealthy while others are struggling, you have to get plugged into where success happens and where LOTS of Profitable things are going on…
Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle is THE fastest growing business membership company in the world – because the members STAY and get results. Our local Mastermind Groups have more than doubled in 6 months…because our members get results.
You’d think more people would catch on and LEARN from other who are making success happen for themselves and thousands of other people…
But they won’t catch on – the MAJORITY never does.
We all get to choose where we end up…join my little secret society right here in Indianapolis and put the power of our marketing and money making strategies on your side.
PS – A personal note, I’m so excited to take the trip back up to Chicago the first week in August – I’m structuring several meetings and taking some time to scope out some properties for a little weekend get away investment…of course the attraction of the week and the reason I’ll be going is no other than Dan Kennedy. I’m getting emails everyday now about our Chapter Members and my clients who are excited for our private meet and greet with Dan…I’d look for any excuse to get back on the lake – but nothing would stop me from a seminar with Dan, how about You?
Category : Blog