Stories from Chicago and what Bono said to me…
July 6th, 2011 // 10:52 am @ Scott
Here’s my 4th of July weekend report, not quite as long as the Declaration, but well worth the read, lessons throughout – and the perhaps the most important line ever spoken!
For those of you paying attention, you know I LOVE Chicago. And that’s where I spent the last few days. Since Thursday actually, flying in for a triple header of meetings with a few National Clients, a Full Day Consulting on Friday and a couple quarterly Client Work Sessions over the next 12 hours.
All this leading into an amazing time doing everything imaginable in the City, including feeding the economy and letting the money flow… WHAT FUN!
My trip included 2 6-month planning sessions for both the Manning Household and the Manning Empire on the personal and business fronts, a ‘semi-annual’ tradition… that keeps the train running on the right track and goals being achieved on-time.
Here’s a quick rundown, then some powerful stories about this great country summed up in one sentence by the Irishman himself… BONO
Two fine dining experiences at Nick’s Fish Market which I highly recommend near the O’hare airport on Thursday and Friday nights.
Saturday a leisurely stroll through the Tastes of Chicago which is always interesting to say the least. We ended up at the Navy Pier for a wonderful Architectural tour up the Chicago River through the city.
Maddy and I enjoyed some midnight sushi as we always like to do in any City, it’s how you see what it’s really all about, doing what the locals do.
Not to mention we walked miles around Chicago up and down the waterfront.
Sunday, working most of the morning, then going to The Beauty and The Beast Broadway in Chicago performance, one of my favorite things to do, that we do every time we come to town.
This followed by Ryan and I running through projections, list of decisions, and planning for the next 6 months while the girls went down the Magnificent Mile for some shopping.
We then went on another one of my favorites, which I’ve talked about here before, the Gangster Tour called The Untouchables where you get to see all sides of the city and hear about all the famous gangsters of Chicago and their stories, including where John Dillenger was gunned down (a guaranteed set-up I’m certain of it). He’s out there somewhere and they know it, maybe one of the best cover ups of all time.
Next, to round off the evening, dinner at the original and wonderful Chicago Chop House – WOW!!! You’ve got to go.
The best part about Saturday and Sunday was having Ryan and Meghan along and experiencing the city Manning Style all together.
Monday a rapid fire working day including some more shopping and dinner at the oldest Italian restaurant in the city, The Italian Village. We wound up watching fireworks from our highest up room with a view that we stayed in the for the entire trip at The Blackstone Hotel, right on Michigan Avenue, it was superb and the oldest, if I remember right, Hotels, where Al Capone had many parties and used to hang out at.
Tuesday, a Copy/Client Work Day for me, including some necessary conference calls, followed by the Famous Chicago Pizza at a joint close by (name escapes me) then off to Soldier Field for my first ever (believe it or not) live concert… playing, the Band U2.
And aside from having to be there with 64,000-65,000 other people, it was incredible, of course our seats were perfect, eye level, row 16, section 152, smack in the middle, but on the edge, so easy escape was possible when the time called for it and truly, no question, best seats in the house given all the considerations that are important to me…
More on this next week, if I remember, it’s certainly worthy of its own little ezine newsletter article.
Oh and by the way, if you haven’t caught on, which I remind you of every time I go anywhere, every place we went, packed, waiting, people everywhere.
And if you don’t know Chicago, my list includes about as expensive and high-end experiences as you can find…packed everywhere – money flowing, people going, things happening, fun stuff, which brings me to the topic of Independence.
On the stage Bono said this:
“America is more than a country, it’s an IDEA. An idea that must be protected, cherished, fought for, argued over, celebrated!”
Point – to reemphasize – he said, AMERICA IS AN IDEA!!!
I first heard it in a movie recommended to me by Ryan that I keep front and center in my office, I actually have a commemorative mask to remind me of this philosophy –
The Movie “V for Vendetta” and you must absolutely own it and watch it and feel it.
No time for explanation, but he said in that movie when the main star had accomplished his mission at the end, “IDEAS never die”, and this, referring to Independence!!!
So, I point out to you, and pass along the message that was worth every hundred dollar bill I handed out over the weekend, every experience and every memory, all wonderful, but to get this one line from this man to pass along to you, worth the 5 days –
I hope you make it worth something to you.
America is an Idea, Independence is an Idea, Entrepreneurship, Business Ownership an Idea!
3 quick stories…
First, two of my clients, one an amazing doctor from New York who I spent the day with on Friday and is in the initial stages of transitioning her life into something new, different, evolutionary in her industry, and quite frankly crazy, that is if you didn’t believe in IDEAS!
If you didn’t appreciate independence and what it allows for, what it stands for, what is possible – to create and build the business exactly as you choose, to enjoy and experience life as you see fit. All possible when you have ideas.
Of course I can’t give you the specific details, but she is taking an income any person would sit on, be satisfied over, and live out as long as possible and basically turning off the faucet to move into a nearly 180 degree opposite opposing direction – no net beneath her.
Just an idea.
And in her case, not only because she came to me to make it happen (I always say my clients are buying speed AND certainty) she is going to be phenomenally successful and have all the independence that she deserves. I’m excited for her and happy to be working together.
Another client and good friend where we ‘finalized’ his plans to exit an enviable millionaires income type corporate position to construct his own life of independence and realize an idea that’s been sitting with him for a long time. Doing what he’s now doing for one, for many, entrepreneurial creating his own ultra high-end boutique version of this.
His story is incredible and let’s just say, EVERY idea he’s had, he’s made happen, and he’s actually wrote a book about it – someone I’ll introduce you to at some point in the future. Let’s just say it’s a REAL book with REAL ‘secrets’ as in actionable strategies, philosophies, and his process for making great things happen.
Both of my now friends and clients are following their ideas, creating their independence.
Next story,
A cab driver we met on Saturday evening who took us to Navy Pier, and as I do with every one of them, I asked about his story, time in the US, thoughts, ambitions, etc. He quickly handed me a menu for his Popcorn shop and ‘gourmet’ elephant ears made to order boutique candy store next to Wrigley’s Field and went on to tell us the story about his business and that he works in the morning, preps the staff, and hits the streets in the cab.
As his business picks up and he can transition into multiple locations he’ll quick driving the cab. Ambition, a business owner cab driver, someone who understands and appreciates what it takes to MAKE IDEAS come to Life.
Someone who appreciates the PRICE of Independence.
I took his menu, asked if he shipped stuff and told him I’d be ordering sometime in the future for my top 100 clients, handed him a $100 tip to put towards his 2nd store, better known as his IDEA FUND – and off we all went.
That my friends, is America.
Final story, of course, I could go on, because all over Chicago there are family restaurants that have been built up into multi-neighborhood empires, people who have followed dreams and turned ideas into realities and into Independence.
But, I’ll mention last a story that I’d like to learn more about – Bono and U2. Some 20+ years together, married for the same time, same woman, and following an Idea the entire way. His concert about more than music, about more than their ego and story and fans, about something more. Their messages represent ideas they believe in, causes, countries, and more.
They represent proudly and throughout the concert kept coming back to this –
IDEAS and Independence!
You know, it’s why I love what I do, why I’m actually looking forward to hoping on the plane flying into Indy and hitting the ground running for 48+ hours of nearly back to back coaching, chapter events, and other things…
It’s why Ryan and I are in the business we are in – because, in a different way than Bono, we do the same, we help others create, build, realize, and profit from their Ideas.
We are in the “making ideas come to life” business, the delivery of Independence.
And we love it.
Hope you’re celebrating your independence on more than just one day each year, creating it, living it, profiting from it, sharing it. Ideas – Independence – Life – what else is there…
Scott Manning
Category : Blog