Without THIS Nothing Happens
February 23rd, 2011 // 10:24 am @ Scott

WARNING: it’s a long one, worth your time and attention, skipping this one will cost you money, some now, and a whole lot more in the future…
Today, I’d like to talk to you about the single most powerful force in our human existence, and the one thing responsible for all the money, all the wealth, and all the opportunities that you have or ever will encounter.
The degree to which you master this ONE thing, will directly impact and dictate the amount of success you will have. Period.
I’m talking about COMMUNICATION. Not just any type of communication, WORDS that sell.
Known in our world as copywriting.
The bottom line is this:
Until someone writes, talks, or otherwise conveys their message through words, nothing happens.
Specifically, I’d like to share with you what’s liberated me and allowed me to achieve financial independence, and be free from the control of anything or anyone –
The ability to craft, create, and compose words that result in the extraction of money from people who read, hear, and listen to them…
It’s also the single most important and critical key to creating leverage for yourself and your business.
The difference between someone who is good at “selling” and good at writing copy is the difference between a job and a business.
If you are still relying on you or someone else to meet a prospect face to face, doing good old fashioned selling (unless you’re making at least $1,000 an hour or more doing it) then you are at the mercy of time, effort, and prospects – instead of truly creating leverage through your marketing.
Copywriting, don’t misunderstand, is every way in which you communicate your marketing and selling message; video, audio, email, mail, sales presentation, etc
And cracking the code to writing copy that sells, as Bill Glazer has coined (and has an information product bearing the name) is the key to all the riches.
Why do I bring this up today – sort of out of the blue, 2 reasons…
I’m often ask what’s the key to getting so much done and the secret to managing so many things, making so much money, and the answer is COPYWRITING, being prolific, fast, and good.
Also, I’ve been toying around with the idea of doing a private, small-group, hands-on workshop, to help some of our members, serious about this, to get better and faster in their copywriting skills.
A couple weeks ago at our Chapter Plus Implementation Group, I took a vote of those that might be interested and there was enough to motivate me to take it to the next stage of preparation.
Thus, this email, and direct invitation to you.
So, here’s what I’ve decided to do, if enough people want to step up to the plate.
For no less than 5 to no more than 10 people I’m going to conduct a half to a full day of intense copywriting training and actual workshop on your sales materials in your business.
The fee will be no less than $1,000 and probably closer to $2,000, depending on numbers, and it will be a knock-down drag-out work session.
Two things will happen.
First, I’ll give you my best strategies for writing copy that sells, AND my secrets for FAST copywriting and implementation of it into multi-media sales campaigns.
Part two, will be breaking down, tearing up, and rebuilding all of your most significant sales pieces and marketing to make it more effective for you.
Unless you’re selling ice cream cones, your investment is trivial compared to the value of what you’ll get. Quite frankly, if you can’t immediately implement the changes, and recoup your money in a few days or weeks at the most, then don’t bother.
You may be asking yourself why on earth I would take the time to do this, it’s obviously going to be a lot of work on my behalf.
The answer is quite simple. I’m tired of listening to members complain about not being able to write enough, and/or good copy that gets results.
Writing is the key to increasing your income, and more importantly building wealth in your business.
Because I do not write copy or work with any people outside of my exclusive private clients, where I’m paid sizable monthly fees and royalties on results, even my closets private coaching members and mastermind do without my direct involvement and “words-on-paper” critique of their stuff.
This one time workshop is a way to fix that, only for those most serious about improving their skill.
One last thing I want to say about this before I tell you how to get your name on the list…
I will guarantee your investment. That’s just how I do things. So, if you don’t see your copy transform before your eyes, and literally watch as money magically appears out of thin air from the changes and alterations we make during our workshop together, I’ll hand you your entire investment back, right there on the spot.
Truly the risk is on me. Obviously, I’m up to the challenge.
Here’s what you need to do. Right now, to be honest, I’m unsure of whether you or anyone else reading this is serious enough about their business, willing to step up to the plate, and commit to enhancing their skills and ability to leverage your marketing…
To find out, all I want you to do is reply to this email. I’ll have someone compile the names, make a list, and you’ll hear back from me personally if you’re in and if we’ve got enough interest to proceed.
For your sake, I hope so. For me, it makes no difference. Be sure to include in your reply, your number one frustration when it comes to writing copy and the biggest improvement or goal you’d hope to achieve during our time together.
Now, since you’ve made it this far, I’ll reward you with 5 fast tips to writing better copy, now, so you’ll have a jump start on what we’ll cover.
By the way, I’m leaning towards Saturday April 9th for this little experiment, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we.
5 Fast Ways To Immediately Get Better Results From Your Copy
1. Write conversational (see February BIG LESSON in the No BS Marketing Newsletter by Bill Glazer)
2. Be sure you CREATE the Problem in your copy before you try to sell the solution
3. TELL MORE STORIES, people learn, listen, and love stories…it keeps their attention and they can relate
4. Often times it’s not your copy that’s bad, it’s that no one is reading it…send out your message in more than one way and multiple times (especially if you got any response…repeat it)
5. Make sure 100% you are selling CONFIDENTLY, whatever you are asking the reader to do, you must make it clear that IT IS THE ULTIMATE ANSWER – do not be wishy washy – be certain, if you are not, they won’t be either – and thus they will not buy!
I’m damn certain that in just one session, one workshop with me, we will completely transform your copywriting, sales process, and leverage you and your marketing for maximum results.
You’ll write copy faster, with more effectiveness, and confidence or I’ll hand you back your investment.
If you want to step up to the plate and embrace the skill required to get to the next level of income, and achieve liberation as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to challenge yourself and accept mine, and write more, better, faster copy for your business…
Reply to this email, answer what your biggest frustration is, what you’d like to get out of the workshop, and your most pressing or immediate copywriting project.
If we get 5, it’s a go, no more than 10 will be allowed, you’ve got the range of investment, once we finalize you can split the payments up if necessary.
Serious players only.
Here’s to creating income on demand, wealth at will, and extracting money with the most powerful form of communication on the planet.
Category : Blog