Business Transformation In Just 8 Minutes
December 15th, 2010 // 11:01 am @ Scott

Well it was incredibly possible and real this past Friday at our Year End Chapter Event, through two different exercises attendees were amazed at what they could accomplish in just 8 minutes.
This type of group interaction (which we do some form of every month) was designed specifically to prove a point and allow members to EXPERIENCE the Power of the Mastermind and working with others to achieve breakthrough ideas and strategies for their businesses.
For those of you unable to attend, I’m guessing you’d like to know about the ‘secret’ I was referring to leading up to the Chapter Event last Friday…
(which all of your excuses for missing in the event fail, since we did host a great entrepreneur all the way from Washington, YES the State. Of course he was in Indy to see some friends, one in particular he invited to our Chapter Event…yes they do come from wide and far just to experience the energy, the dynamic, and the success environment of the GKIC Indy Chapter)
First let me tell you – it was INCREDIBLE.
We had 11 kick-ass Competitors for the Marketer of the Year (I wish they all could have won…each presentation was very beneficial to the rest of the attendees).
You’ll find out the very deserving winner sometime soon, and you’ll get to see their presentations…so stay tuned.
So, The Secret of all successful Entrepreneurs who achieve and sustain success is two fold:
First, they NEVER EVER leave Success to Chance – they SCHEDULE their progress, goals and achievements and put themselves in environments that facilitate and accelerate their wealthy, growth, and opportunity.
Second, they are all part of a highly developed, structured program, and an intense group of Entrepreneurs that help each other work on their businesses.
It’s been called for a near century, THE MASTERMIND.
Friday our members experienced it first hand, albeit briefly, they got the point and felt the impact. In addition to all that excitement I open the doors of opportunity to members in attendance to join the remaining positions left open in the 2011 Scott Manning Mastermind Group and Private Coaching Program.
Good news for those there, bad news if you missed the meeting, but, we’re officially CLOSED UP, in fact, we took in 2 extra applications than spots that were available.
There is no single, greater, guaranteed way to dramatically grow your business and speed up your progress than by being a part of our Mastermind and Coaching Groups. If you were there you heard it first hand from several members who have been experiencing the Mastermind and Me throughout 2010.
The easiest way to explain this, is the power of multiplied thinking of others, quite literally forcing your progress and holding you accountable on implementation month in and month out.
The other reason is that quite literally, just be being in the room you will attract more money, opportunity, and move faster and think bigger than ever before.
As I told everyone Friday, this is the secret to major breakthroughs because it REMOVES YOU out of your own way. Which is the only thing holding you back.
Anyhow – Don’t worry, you won’t be left out. Every month I bring you business multiplying marketing and money making strategies to our Chapter Events and believe me, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
2011 is going to be OFF THE CHARTS! And as long as you stay close, get involved, you’ll be along for ride.
At some point I’ll be sending you an email where you can apply and get on the waiting list in case I decide to open another group (which I highly doubt) or at least get ready for 2012. And once in a while, a Mastermind or Private Coaching Member will transfer to what we call “private client status” moving them up from the group and opening space.
For now, I thought I’d share with you 6 BIG Business Breakthroughs that we discussed on Friday…you should give some serious thought to.
Here’s the 6 Breakthroughs –
1. Change of WHO you sell to…
2. Change of WHERE you sell…
3. Change of HOW you sell…
5. Change of PRODUCT/WHAT you sell…
enjoy and hope all is well…
Category : Blog