The Business We Are In
November 10th, 2010 // 10:31 am @ Scott

Yes, we all know, It’s the MARKETING BUSINESS. Today, I’d like to take that a little deeper and tell you what I notice about the most successful people (wealthiest), and the most dynamic entrepreneurs, including my private clients, myself, and those I follow.
There are many commonalities, and we often talk about Wealth Attraction and other topics of success. Today I want to focus on one core trait, behavior, and responsibility that the most richest people have.
They invest as much time, money, and effort doing things outside of their business as they do inside of it. They research more, study more, go on adventures more, try more new things, step outside their comfort zone more, and are constantly working on “what’s next”!
Here’s what I know, and what we’ve all heard, “if you keep doing what you are doing now, you’ll keep getting what you are getting now.”
Growth comes from challenge, pressure, aggressive action.
Let me say it differently, whatever you do that “runs” the business is earning you income, today. And so long as you keep doing that, you’ll have more income, the next day you do it.
You certainly won’t get rich or build a sustainable business by doing more of the “running” of the business.
No, it requires you to do more, to reach higher, to discover ways, strategies, and methods that will push you to new levels of thinking, marketing, and implementing.
Understand, the true entrepreneur will never totally escape “working in” the business. But, and it’s a big BUT, your evolution as an entrepreneur comes by doing more of the “working on” regardless of how much “working in” still exists.
As example, today I’m on a plane flying to Baltimore where I’ll meet several of my clients, friends, and private coaching member and roughly 1000 Glazer-Kennedy Members from around the world at the Information Marketing Summit.
At this event, I’ll squeeze in several meetings, meet with a couple prospective clients, and have a ‘extra-top-secret’ private meeting with Dan “the man” Kennedy, himself.
Most importantly, for Ryan and I, other than the connections with various people, is the ideas, the outside the daily routine thinking that we’ll do and get.
We reserve the day after the Event, Monday morning, to go back through everything we learned, prioritize the implementation, delegate everything we possibly can, then put the rest on each of our schedules and nail deadlines to them.
And in one way or another that’s what all the other top entrepreneur s do.
Because, THAT IS the business we are in. We are in the marketing business… but that business is made up of the business of challenging ourselves, pushing our thinking, forcing our implementation and speed to adapt and adjust and execute new ideas and strategies.
If you are not having fun and excitedly implementing new things every month, you’ve got to break out of the rut, the routine, the mundaneness of your business and get re-energized, re-focused, re-motivation about your goals and objectives.
I’ll end this little lecture this month by saying this – Every month I see, meet, and talk with new member, entrepreneurs of all walks of life. Each of them says they are “busy”, yet, I’ve not met one who says they are making all the money they want and living the ideal ‘entrepreneurial’ lifestyle…
STOP whatever you were doing before you read this email, and make a list, right now, a list of the things on your mind, the ideas and strategies that when you pause during the day you’re reminded of… the things you’re not doing… and decide now on a time later today, tomorrow, at least this week, when you will commit to putting the first thing on your list in motion.
Next, allocate time to work on this list everyday.
What you do to ‘refill’ the list and the actual working on the list – that’s where the money is, that’s what’ll make you rich, that IS the business!
Full report from the Info-Summit coming your way next week… and just maybe a special announcement that you won’t want to miss!
Have a good week… now get busy getting rich.
Category : Blog