My Week In Review – and Two Lists

My Week In Review – and Two Lists

November 17th, 2010 // 10:50 am @

My Week In Review – and Two Lists

It’s always an amazing feeling coming back from a Glazer-Kennedy Event. And this year, Bill Glazer put on one the best events to date. My money-making muscles are still burning!

This time around, I thought instead of giving you all the big ideas (too many to list) and telling you about the event (you’ve probably been watching the updates from Mara Glazer) I thought I’d just share with you some of the details of my whirlwind trip to Beautiful Baltimore (and actually was incredibly beautiful, this time of year!)

Ryan and I flew in from two different states on Wednesday morning to have a “meeting of the minds” and go through updates on all of our Private Clients. Then we separated and worked the rest of the day on various Private Client Projects and deliverables…

[People always ask me why I fly so early in the morning when I don’t have to arrive until the evening time. I decided early last year, that I wasn’t going to let travel time take up peak productivity time, so I almost always fly early morning, or late evening when I have to, that way the day isn’t wasted at the airports or on an airplane.]

That evening, we met up with Dr. Kevin Cantwell and his son Kelly for dinner after registering for the Info-Summit. Kevin is one of my bestest friends and a Private Client and Coaching Member for a long time now.

The Info-Summit kicked off with Bill, Dan, and then Cal Ripken Jr. whom I got my photo with.

I had lunch with Dr. Wines, Kim, and Ryan. And that’s when it starting getting crazy. I spent the rest of the day in and out of sessions and meeting with another good friend and Private Client Adam Witty who’s company Advantage Media Group ( had an exhibit booth in the vendor area. I took time to make sure Adam connected with everyone on our list of “people to see”.

Dan brought the day to a close with his presentation on Seminar Marketing, which I do quite a bit of, and really got some great stuff.

Friday was a great day also, I spent about 90 minutes meeting privately with Dan Kennedy; in part tied to projects that Adam is working with Dan on. And then a top secret (can’t tell you the details of yet) special event that Dan and I are planning for mid-2011, right here in the circle city!

I took our entire Indy group to lunch that day and we had a great time. Fast forward to Saturday, evening Dr. Wines, Ryan, and Dr. Cantwell and Kelly and I all had a “implementation” dinner, where we sorted out ideas and went through specific action plans for their respective businesses.

Sunday, I met with several of our Chapter Members for breakfast and then swamped out with Ryan, so I could have my final meeting of the weekend with Kevin Eikenberry and Guy Harris, ( Indianapolis’ own international leadership superstar, Kevin and I, seem to only have a chance to catch up far away from Indy. But we made the most of it, and I’m very excited about the future and some plans that we discussed.

I had a final lunch meeting with Adam and Ralph (his COO) to get our action plan in place for the remainder of the month as well as refocus on the follow-up that’s necessary after a crazy busy event like the Info Summit and the many new leads and connections that were acquired.

The last half the event, I quietly watch the colts game on my cell phone (don’t tell Bill – although he’s probably reading this right now) You know, like I say, it’s 16 weeks per year, can’t afford to miss one.

Actually, the Herd Building Day was amazing. I got more specific things to execute and tactical strategies than I can remember anytime before.

Monday we woke up to hit the ground running. Another thing we committed to doing earlier this year, was not to leave until the day after the event. It’s just so easy to fly home, go to sleep, and wake up Monday, as if it’s every other Monday, losing the momentum, ideas, and clarity gained from the past event.

After getting some things in motion, we headed to the airport and each made it home around 8pm that night. We use the Info-Summit and SuperConference each year as benchmarks to progress. The first thing we did when we got to Baltimore was make a list of all the things that were new, different, and better in our life since last year and since the SuperConference.

The last thing we did before we went to bed Sunday was make the list of everything we wanted to be new, different, and better by the SuperConference and in one year at the next Info-Summit.
For more than 18 months now, it’s worked like a charm.

What can you learn from all of this. Well, first of all, make the most of every experienced. There’s still things I didn’t mention, like all the new people I met, the two large international projects I was propositioned on by two people that discovered me for the first time. The great conversations I was able to have with Howard my good buddy (leader of the Business Advisors for the entire country) and also I got a chance to talk personally with Bill for a few minutes as well.

There really wasn’t an unused part of my trip, including quality time with my friends and clients and personal attention with our members.

You make the most of things by starting out with that very intention.

As the year comes to an end, I’d challenge you to take a look back and make a list of all the new, different, better things in your life, business, and things you’ve accomplished. Then make the list of what’ll be new, better, different in the next 12 months.

Believe it or not, our success is in large part due to the very act of doing what I just told You. By the way, you need to mark your calendar right now, and be sure you attend the 2011 Marketing and Money Making SuperConference in 2011 April 28 – May 1st. It’ll change your life, and we’ll get to hang out outside of Indianapolis. You’ve never seen a show like the one Glazer-Kennedy puts on, and you’ve never experienced an event until You’ve experienced one with me.

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