Business Growth and Success ‘Turning Points’
October 21st, 2009 // 12:37 pm @ Scott
We all need them, especially now, when times are tough.
They can go by so many names:
- Leverage Points
- Multipliers
- Breakthroughs
- Re-invention
- Game Changers
Each can come at different points, effecting different things.
We are talking about the things that make millions possible, the strategies and business approaches that are the difference between closing up shop and getting rich.
I have a card that I keep that says, “Life is too short to be Subtle” and I believe this, live this, preach this…
You have to embrace this philosophy.
Success is NEVER Subtle and you have to look for BIG ways to make bring you business to new levels!
The way you do this is to always be looking, open to, and in search of any of the above mentioned 5 things – You have to be ready for a GAME CHANGING Opportunities.
They are the REAL difference between Great Sustaining Make-It-Big Success and Profits and average, who-knows-how-long-they’re-gonna-last kind of business.
Leverage Points
These are typically assets that exist in your business, not being fully exploited, that could produce additional income or, as the word says, LEVERAGE.
Think – “what else can you sell your list of customers”
The LIST being the Leverage Point.
It could be something or someone you have access to. Usually is it something you can replicate or use in a different way in addition to the way ‘whatever’ is being utilized for now.
A Multiplier is often a way to increase your transaction size, customer value, or conversion. Adding an upsell or premium version to your business. The use of video on your website. Selling in Seminar format versus one-on-one. All forms of multipliers. They “multiply” your results.
The best things about multipliers is that the efforts compound. The more the better. You’ll find these by doing what I always talk about, MORE BETTER FASTER – when you think about these, you’ll find multipliers.
Boy oh boy, here’s what every one is looking for – the BIGGER the better. The thing is, breakthroughs don’t always have to be big. In fact, often times, breakthroughs first occur in your THINKING, your VIEWPOINT, your OPINION of something.
The best way to trigger breakthroughs is through IDEAS, exposure to SUCCESS Environments, the rapid and aggressive acquisition of knowledge.
Now this one is Fun, really fun, life changing fun! Re-Invention is the most common thing that our Members and especially my Mastermind and Private Coaching Members, experience.
Re-Invention is best summed up by Dan Kennedy when the way you see your business changes and you all of the sudden open your eyes to find that your business is not just about A, but it also is about A, B, C, and D –
Or sometimes You find ways to completely reengineer your business. Such as what Ryan and I have done for one of our Clients, taking them from 30 customers (it is a very high transaction size) business to 30 EACH MONTH, through a turn-key proprietary online sales process.
We “re-invented” the way he went about getting customers.
Game Changers
Last but certainly not least – GAME CHANGERS – I love the word, because it implies it can happen at any time…and you often don’t know when or how.
They can, of course, be good or bad.
You identify Game Changers by always being alert, open to, and realistic about options in your business.
For many, such as two of my top Private Clients, the Game Changer for them was taking “their way of doing business” and selling it as opportunity to others in their Industry. Giving them, over time, more residual income from area-exclusive fees in a month than they used to work 60 hours a week painfully for in their businesses.
The other thing to understand is that any of the above could be a Game Changer, if you handle it property and are ready for it.
The only way to know for sure is to have access to and support from a team of people who are dealing with the same stuff you are and would be familiar to your situation.
No one ever achieves these 5 significant life and income alerting changes alone.
Your business needs more. You deserve more.
You’ll find it all right here, with us.
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